1-2 护身符和象征:钟(在线收听

Charms and Symbols



In ancient times all over the world, it was believed that evil spirits could put up with just about anything except the clanging1 of a bell. Over time, the bell itself, even when not ringing, came to be regarded as a powerful lucky symbol. Because it is suspended in a hanging position, it takes on the representation of all life suspended between heaven and earth. Its vault like2 shape has become a symbol of heaven.


Bells are used in Christian churches as well as Hindu and Buddhist temples as a means of keeping evil away. The bell tolled at funerals is now explained as a signal to the living that a soul is passing to the other side and should be accompanied by prayers. But originally the tolling was intended to prevent evil forces from interfering with the soul’s heavenward journey.


Bells are often used as a warning of danger. Obviously, the fact they are easy to hear makes them perfect for the job. But just as important is the age old beliefs in most European countries that the sound of a bell can turn away an approaching storm, deflect3 lightning or tame4 a tornado5.


But why bells? Such things as gunpowder make more noise than bells, and the Chinese still routinely use it to frighten away harmful spirits. But after gunpowder was introduced into Europe, the English scientist Roger Bacon said he still thought bells were much better demon-chasers6. In a thirteenth-century scientific report, Bacon concluded that it wasn’t the sound of a bell in itself that had the power but the movement of the air caused by repeated tolling. In his opinion, it canceled out the turbulence7 caused by mischief-making spirits.



1.clang [klAN] vtvi. (使)当当响

2.vault like [vC:lt5laik] adj. 像穹隆样的,拱顶状的

3.deflect [di5flekt] vt. 使转向;使偏斜

4.tame [teim] vt. 制服;驾驭

5.tornado [tC:5neidEu] n. 龙卷风;飓风

6.demon-chaser [5di:mEn5tFeisE] n. 驱逐恶魔之物

7.turbulence [5tbjulEns] n. 骚乱,骚动








