1-8 西伯利亚大铁路(在线收听

Trans-Siberian Express


The six thousand mile journey is the longest rail line on earth.


Few things in Russia impact the lives of as many people as the Trans-Siberian Express. And few engineering projects match the scope of this incredible feat.


Russian czar1 Nicholas the second laid the ceremonial first piece of track at the dedication2 in 1891. But the real backbreaking3 work was done by Russian peasants. Amazingly the trans continental railroad was almost entirely built by hand. It was built by men with shovels and with picks and with wheel barrels, which is what makes it an even more impressive feat. It's hard to imagine how difficult the working conditions must've been for the people who were doing the labor on the railroad. In the wintertime, wind chills of one hundred and twenty degrees below zero ripped through clothing. While mid summer temps often topped a sweltering4 one hundred degrees Fahrenheit5. It is estimated that thousands died during the construction.


Despite the devastating toll6, the Trans Siberian ended up being a life saver for the country. At the beginning of the war, when Germany invaded the Soviet Union, a lot of factories were simply moved out of European Russia by the railroad into Siberia. In a period of six weeks, an entire factory could be uprooted and reestablished and go to work again. The Trans Siberian Express not only helped the Russian people survive World War Two, it continues to be one of the country’s greatest assets to this day.


For linking this vast country together, the Trans Siberian Express climbs aboard our list at number eight.



1.czar [zB:] n. (1917年以前的)俄国沙皇;沙皇

2.dedication [7dedi5keiFEn] n. 落成典礼

3.backbreaking [5bAkbreikiN] adj. 断人腰背的,使人劳累之极的

4.sweltering [5sweltEriN] adj. (天气、季节)闷热的;热得难受的

5.Fahrenheit [5fArEnhait] n. 华氏温标

6.toll [tEul] n.(付出的)代价;(遭受的)损失








