2-15 有关医疗的谬论与事实(在线收听

Medical Myths and Facts


You've read them before and these health tips have been passed down over generations, but do they really work? We applied modern science to some of the most often repeated words of old fashioned wisdom. Some held up, but sorry, Mom! Others didn't. Here, medical experts reveal which advice is based on myth and which is based on fact.


Q: Is it true that you should feed a cold and starve a fever?


A: Not really. I don't think either starving or feeding would make a difference to a cold or fever. As long as there's no vomiting or diarrhea, there's no reason to restrict diet. More critical is to drink plenty of liquids during either illness. Fluids help maintain appropriate blood pressure and, in the case of fever, replenish1 the water lost through sweating and breathing as you dissipate2 body heat.


Q: Is it unsafe to take a warm bath during your period?


A: No. Mother may have warned you that a hot bath could increase menstrual3 bleeding, but there's no evidence that this is so. A heavier flow is more likely to be induced by stress or exercise. If you submerge4 an open wound in hot water, this causes blood vessels to dilate5 and bleed more. But it does not mean that you can make the assumption that a warm bath affects the vessels of the uterus6 the same way. There's also no evidence that a warm bath during your period would increase the risk of infection.


Q: Does eating chocolate cause acne7?


A: No. Overactive sebaceous glands8, not candy bars, cause the blemishes9 that can embarrass adolescents and adults. Under normal conditions, the sebaceous glands produce sebum10, an oily secretion11 that moistens and protects the skin. But these glands can produce too much sebum, usually as a result of hormonal changes or bacteria on the skin, and cause pimples12. The fats that we absorb through our diet have no impact whatsoever on the oil glands themselves. If that were the case, people who had higher blood cholesterol13 or triglyceride14 levels would be more prone to acne, but they're not.


But there may be something to the chocolate/acne myth. A small number of people do seem to have a pimplelike reaction to certain food groups? ? chocolate is one, but more commonly, nuts. Some of the thinking in the old days may have been related to the chocolate products that contained peanuts.


Q: Is breakfast the most important meal of the day?


A: Yes. Fasting overnight lowers the body's level of glucose15 (blood sugar), which is needed to produce the brain chemicals that keep us focused throughout the day. Breakfast brings those blood sugar levels back up to normal, and helps our bodies wake up so we don't feel sluggish16. Those who eat breakfast report feeling more alert, less depressed, less irritable17 and less restless during the day. They are more productive at work in the morning, too.



1.replenish [ri5pleniF] vt. 补充;把……再备足

2.dissipate [5disipeit] vt. 消耗;使消失

3.menstrual [5menstruEl] adj. [生理]月经的

4.submerge [sEb5mE:dV] vt. 浸没;使浸入

5.dilate [dai5leit] vi. 膨胀;扩大

6.uterus [5ju:tErEs] n. []子宫

7.acne [5Akni] n. []痤疮,粉刺

8.sebaceous [si5beiFEs] adj. 脂肪的,皮脂的;~gland[]皮脂腺

9.blemish [5blemiF] n. 疤;黑头粉刺

10.sebum [5si:bEm] n. [生理]皮脂

11.secretion [si5kri:FEn] n. [生理]分泌物

12.pimple [5pimpl] n. []丘疹;小脓疱

13.cholesterol [kE5lestErEul] n. [生化]胆固醇

14.triglyceride [trai5^lisE7raid] n. []甘油三酸酯

15.glucose [5^lu:kEus] n. [生化]葡萄糖

16.sluggish [5slQ^iF] adj. 懒怠的;呆滞的

17.irritable [5iritEbl] adj. 急躁的,易怒的





















