4-2 独生子女家庭(在线收听

Learn English for the 2008 Olympics

—— Single Child Family


Foreigner: It was in the early eighties that I first became aware of your one child family as the main policy in family planning. I was too young to know much about the subject or to be interested in it then, but I do remember people did show much concern and there was much talk about it at the time.


Chinese: I know. I remember there was a lot of condemnation1 about the policy. It seems there are a lot of people in the west who think nothing we do can be right. They criticize us for having too large a population, and when we try to control it, they condemn us for violating human rights!


Foreigner: I can see that the one child family is a necessary contingency2 policy and it has successfully brought the growth rate under control. But you must admit that there were a lot of highhanded3 measures at first, including forced abortions4.


Chinese: There is always a question of trial and error in carrying out a new policy. We were too highhanded and rigid at first. Now we are much more flexible and people are no longer so resistant and are getting much more cooperative too.


Foreigner: So you think that this policy is a success and you expect no more trouble in carrying it out?


Chinese: As you said yourself, this is a contingency policy that has to be carried out in order to bring population growth under control, and so far everything is going smoothly. But it is also true that the single child family has created a lot of unforeseen social problems. To find solutions will be a great challenge.


Foreigner: I've often heard the single child being referred to as the little emperor. Does that mean it tends to get spoilt5? Is that going to be a social problem that you predict?


Chinese: Yes, being spoilt is certainly a problem. Imagine a child enjoying the center of attention not only of its parents, but also of its maternal6 as well as its paternal7 grandparents. Naturally most of them will grow up to be selfish and self-centered. And what's worse, they are so used to having everything done for them that many grow up to be very incompetent though they are usually very intelligent.


Foreigner: I believe that has something to do with your education system too. Chinese students are usually intelligent and well behaved, and do well academically, but they are not encouraged to be independent and have independent thoughts and views.


Chinese: That's another question. The question is, without brothers or sisters, a single child will have greater difficulty in learning how to get on with other children at school and with other people when he or she goes into society. So it's a social question rather than an educational question.


Foreigner: Then there is the health problem. Because of overfeeding, you see so many little fatties around. To be overweight so young is surely bad for the heart.


Chinese: But the biggest problem I think is the disproportion8 of the sexes in the population. Because of the traditional emphasis on the male carrying on the family line, somehow people manage to give birth to more boys than girls.


Foreigner: You sound so pessimistic9 about your future generation. Surely things are not as bad as you describe.


Chinese: I don't mean to sound pessimistic. I'm just pointing out some of the problems we are facing. Wherever there is life, there is bound to be problems, and life is just a continuous search for solutions to problems.



1.condemnation [7kCndem5neiFEn] n. 谴责指责

2.contingency [kEn5tindVEnsi] n. 紧急情况不测事件

3.highhanded [haihAndid] a. 高压的专横的

4.abortion [E5bC:FEn] n. 流产小产堕胎

5.spoil [spCil] vt. 宠坏溺爱

6.maternal [mE5tE:nl] a. 母系的母亲一方的

7.paternal [pE5tE:nl] a. 父系的父亲一方的

8.disproportion [7disprE5pC:FEn] n. 不成比例,不相称

9.pessimistic [7pesi5mistik] a. 悲观的


备战奥运—— 独生子女家庭















