4-7 在英国路上开车(在线收听

Driving on the Road in England


Almost everyone in England over the age of 17 either owns or has access1 to a car and uses it frequently, especially for short journeys in suburban areas. This leads to enormous motorway2 congestion3.The average speed in built up4 areas is now 11 miles an hour slower than driving a horse and carriage a hundred years ago.


Driving on the left is traditional and therefore, to the English, indisputably right. The custom dates back to the time when the horse was the main means of getting about, and you kept to the left so as to leave your sword arm free to defend yourself. Nowadays it is more usually extended through the open window to reinforce the helpful hints offered to other motorists.


The English are remarkably well behaved on the roads. They use their horns sparingly5 and often give way to each other at crossroads. Punctilious6 in their observation of traffic signs, they will wait at traffic-light-controlled pedestrian crossings even if there are no pedestrians in sight. If there are any, they screech to a halt7 and wait patiently for them to cross the road. This comes as a surprise to foreigners who are used to crossing themselves on the pavement before running like rabbits across the highway.




1.access [5Akses] n. 享用机会享用权

2.motorway [5mEJtEweI] n. 〈英〉高速公路

3.congestion [kEn5dVestFEn] n. 拥塞挤满

4.built up [bilt Qp] a. 建筑物多的aarea 建筑物多的地方或建成区

5.sparingly [5spZEriNlI] ad. 有节制地很少地

6.punctilious [pQNk5tiliEs] a. 小心谨慎的审慎的

7.screech [skri:tF] vi. 尖叫发出尖锐刺耳的声音to a halt 嘎然刹住






