8-4 8月5日——格拉斯米尔灯草节(在线收听

August 5 -- Grasmere Rushbearing


The floors of old stone churches can get pretty cold, a fact well known among churchgoers obliged to kneel upon them. Several centuries ago, the sensible Britons hit upon a solution: They could insulate1 the chilly floors with coatings2 of fresh cut rushes3, straw, or hay. By the early nineteenth century, rushbearings and haystrewings had become lively annual rituals4 throughout northwestern England. At such an event, a team of costumed men would pull the heavily laden “rushcarts.” These were adorned with dazzling silver ornaments and had ropes ingeniously5 braided6 from rushes. Morris dancers capered7 down the street, heralding8 the cart’s approach.


The region’s best known and longest lived rushbearing is the one at Grasmere, Cumbria, held in honor of Saint Oswald, a seventh century king of Northumbria9. At the festival, girls in green pinafores10 carry the rushes on a broad, handwoven linen sheet. Other townspeople bring “bearings,” woven rush emblems in the shape of Oswald’s crown, his hand, and other designs. These are later used to decorate the altar while the rushes from the sheet are spread across the floor. After the service, with its Rushbearing Hymn11, parishioners12 line up for slices of “Saint Oswald’s gingerbread13,” a sort of gingery shortbread.



1. insulate [5insjuleit] vt. 隔离,[]使绝缘

2. coating [5kEutiN] n. 涂层,外层,覆盖层

3. rush [rQF] n. 灯心草,类似灯心草的植物

4. ritual [5ritjuEl] n. 仪式

5. ingeniously [in5dVi:njEsli] ad. (机器等)制作精巧地

6. braid [breid] vt. 编结,编织

7. caper [5keipE] vi. 跳跳蹦蹦,雀跃

8. herald [5herEld] vt. 宣布,报告……的消息

9. Northumbria [nC:5WQmbriE] [英史] 诺森布里亚(中世纪早期七国时代的七国之一,位于今英格兰东岸亨伯湾和苏格兰东岸福思湾之间)

10. pinafore [5pinEfC:] n. [主英] 围裙,围身布

11. hymn [him] n. 赞歌,颂歌

12. parishioner [pE5riFEnE] n. 一教区中的居民

13. gingerbread [5dVIndVEbred] n. 姜饼


8月5日 —— 格拉斯米尔灯草节





