8-12 根据自身性格选择健身方法(在线收听

Find the Type of Exercise That Best Suits Your Personality


Recent research at the University of Florida has revealed that the secret of sticking to an exercise programme is to select one that reflects the sort of person you are.


If you are outgoing and like being with people, chances are you get bored quickly when exercising alone. Try aerobics1. You need interaction, and working out with others motivates you to keep going. Regular classes will improve your ability to take in and use oxygen. As a result, your heart and lungs will become more efficient and you’ll burn lots of calories too.


If you are well-organized and appreciate time to yourself, you’ll prefer to control your own exercise regime. Try gym workouts2. Set challenges that encourage you. Working with weights sculpts3 your muscles, while the cycle, treadmill4, and rower are great for fat-burning. All are effective in redefining your body shape.


If you push yourself to do well at work, you’ll like competing against others. Try team sports. Match fixtures5 will give you something to aim for. The training sessions will provide all-over6 toning7 and your co-ordination will improve, reducing the risk of musculo-skeletal8 injury.


If things are getting on top of you, choose an exercise routine that releases tension in the body. Try a stretch class. Lengthening your muscles is a great way to relieve stored-up physical and emotional tension. Stretching also makes the body more supple9, which reduces the risk of injury during activity.



1. aerobics [7ZE5rEubiks] n.  [] 增氧健身法

2. workout [5wE:kaut] n.  [] 锻炼,训练

3. sculpt [skQlpt] vt.  [] 雕刻,雕塑

4. treadmill [tredmIl] n.  踏车

5. fixture [5fikstFE] n.  预定的(或每隔一定时间举行的)体育活动

6. all-over  到处,浑身,遍及

7. toning [5tEuniN] n.  调色(),相片调色

8. musculo-skeletal [7mQskjulEu5skelitEl] a.  [] ()骨骼的

9. supple [5sQpl] a.  易弯曲的,柔韧的








