9-1 了解战争,防止战争(在线收听

Understand War, Prevent War


Zhao Wei: As far as I know, you had traveled around the world, run companies in five countries, and experienced various adventures before you started writing. What does your writing benefit from those experiences?


James Bradley: I read an article years ago that said the quality of your life is related to the quality of your experiences. So you need to have many experiences to have different thoughts, different ways of looking at things. I like to go to different places in the world to understand. There is understanding from reading a book, and there is understanding from going to see people, to see the actual conditions. And my experience is what press writes, for example, what the American press writes about China, is very narrow and is not very accurate. And I find very different situation coming here. Probably the same for Chinese people, they will have a very different impression about America. Last year, when America was planning the war with Iraq, I gave many speeches in America. And many audiences asked me, “Mr.Bradley, what do you think about going to war with Iraq?” And my answer was that, “Please, everybody who’s been to Iraq, raise your hand.”


Nobody raised their hands. So we’ve no understanding about Iraq. It’s very difficult to have war with people you do not understand. So I encourage people to travel.


Zhao: Your father was once a soldier during the World War II, but he never told you about this unusual experience.And many other veterans1 of the World War II are also unwilling to mention their war experiences. Do you know why?


James Bradley: Because of the horror they experienced. Many people think the veterans are modest. Maybe they are a little modest. But they think such terrible things that they just cannot talk about it. You know these experiences drive some people crazy. Some people have to kill themselves because of how terrible it is. My father was able to survive by putting them out of his mind.


Zhao: Two of your works, Flags of Our Fathers and Flyboys, are so popular in the US that both of them are listed best sellers2 by the New York Times. Why are they so attractive as books on the theme of war? Is it because of the detailed descriptions of ruthless3 war?


James Bradley: Obviously, my books are about war. But I don’t think about them as war books. I think about them as about the human condition and how humans react under pressure. War means life and death, facing life and death. So I think my books sell well and they are interesting because I didn’t focus on the big stories of generals and presidents and things like that. It’s a small story about young people in very difficult circumstances.


Zhao: I was struck by the minute4 and vivid description of war in Flyboys. Why did you describe the details of war in your book?


James Bradley: I wanted to bring readers the terribleness of war, and make it very vivid, make it very clear. My hope is that people who read these books will not want to have war. These are books about war, but maybe they are anti-war books. I wondered why my father suffered all his life. He cried in the sleep for four years. Did you ever hear of someone crying in the sleep? My mother said tears came out of his eyes when he’d been sleeping for four years every night. So why did he suffer so badly? I wanted to find out, and I did the research and saw the pain of war. I wanted to make the reality come to the readers. We have to stop fighting, we have to stop war. What people read about war is distant. We read about statistics5. We really don’t care. We don’t imagine people dying and the trouble it causes. You know, war kills more civilians than it kills soldiers. Many more children die in the war than soldiers die in the war.


Zhao: To our disappointment, social progress and development fail to prevent or reduce war. It seems many areas in the world are facing the threat of war. What on earth6 should man do to prevent war and achieve an everlasting7 world peace?


James Bradley: I’ m not sure, but I am making my own effort to prevent war and doing two things. Number 1, I’ m writing about it, so people know the truth. Number 2, I’ m taking money from my books, and getting scholarships8 for American students to go to school in China and Japan, hoping that their friendship can develop. When these children grow up and go into the government or into the business, maybe they can help us prevent war.


Zhao: Many of our readers are young people. They grow up in a peaceful environment and live a happy life. It seems that war is too far away from them. What’s the necessity9 for them to know something about war? What sort of attitude should they take toward war?


James Bradley: That’s a very good question, I mean, in English we have a saying: if you do not study history, history will repeat itself. So I like to look at history because I can understand today much better. How many Chinese died in World War II? An incredible number. So how could we prevent these things in the future? I think it’ s important to study the past, see what happened, see why it happened, so that we can understand war and make more intelligent process for tomorrow.



1. veteran [5vetErEn] n. 老兵,老战士,退伍军人

2. best seller 畅销书,畅销商品

3. ruthless [5ru:Wlis] a. 无情的,冷酷的

4. minute [mai5nju:t] a. 微小的,仔细的,缜密的

5. statistics [stE5tistiks] n. [] 统计,统计资料

6. on earth 究竟,到底

7. everlasting [7evE5lB:stiN] a. 永久的,永恒的

8. scholarship [5skClEFip]] n. 奖学金

9. necessity [ni5sesiti] n. 必要(性)

































