NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2014-04-12(在线收听

 After the tortured rollout of the Obama administration's new healthcare initiative, the head of the agency that oversaw the effort is stepping down. The White House is confirming Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has submitted the resignation. NPR's Scott Horsley says while early glitches which online insurance exchange can't be blamed brought the 65 years old Sebelius. She did current her watch. 

While the president himself has said it wasn't Sebelius who was responsible for writing the code of the website, but certainly she was the secretary running the department, and if there was a problem with the website she at least should know about it, correct it and alert it Obama, so she wasn't saying on the eve of launch it's gonna be great. It's gonna function like Amazon on a Kayak. NPR's Scott Horsley. 
The president reportedly would nominate his budget director, Sylvia Mathews Burwell to replace Sebelius. 
As for Sebelius, she dropped no hint earlier today with business as usual. She testified before members of Senate Finance Committee which defended the president healthcare plan which she said it's on track. 
"Last week, we announced that 7.1 million Americans have signed up for private insurance through the Marketplace. As up this week, 400,000 additional Americans have signed up, and we expect that number to continue to grow."
President remained public support up for Sebelius during the trouble's rollout though she was conspicuously absent last week when she hailed the recent surge enroll message signature initiative during an event of the White House's rose garden. 
A strong magnitude 6.1 earthquake did hit the area in Nicaragua, capital of Managua has been reportedly caused some injuries in a town north of the city; relative 28 homes were also damaged. According to US Geological Service, the quake is relatively shallow depth of 6.2 miles where center's about 30 miles north of Managua. 
Numbers of people filing for unemployment benefits for the first time is falling to the lowest level in almost 7 years. NPR's Chris Arnold reports the drop of so-called jobless claim was better than most analysts expected. 
Some endlessly seek work started to see a rebate of the economy following a long, cold stormy winter. The bad weather was hurting a lot of businesses, and when the spring we see a better job growth. The past couples of months, the economy gained to about 200,000 jobs per month. That's still slower than many economists were alike, but better than it was in winter. As far as the latest report, last week there was fewer people filing for unemployment than we see since away back in May of 2007. Those job was claimed was down 10% for the week before. That's a pretty steep drop. Some analysts caution that the number might be thrown up by seasonal factors, but the overall trend is definitely that fewer people are getting laid off and seeking unemployment. Chris Arnold, NPR News. 
On Wall Street, today's Dow dropped 266 points, ending the session at 16,117; The NASDAQ was down 129 points. 
You're listening to NPR News in Washington. 
Russian president Vladimir Putin is calling on 18 European leaders to quickly move to authorize financial assists for Ukraine. In a letter released today by the Kremlim, Putin is warning Ukraine mounting gas debt could force Moscow to start to demand in advance payment from Russian suppliers. Putin is warning if Ukraine failed to make the payment, Russia's state-controlled gas pumps could be completely or partially ceased gas deliveries. 
Disney is celebrating the 50 anniversary of its ride “It's A Small World”. Amy Kelly,  numbers station from WMMC in Orlando, reports the worldwide sing-along helped to mark today. 
Fans of “It's A Small World” have contributed to the sing-along online and the live at the park, and just like the ride, they used a mixed of languages. Walt Disney helped to create “It's A Small World” ride to unify the 1964 World Fair in New York. It doesn't have technology but Disney world blogger David Shu says it's still "appeared to kids". 
"It got color; it got action; it got toys; it got miniaturization which kids always like, so it's fun for kids, but it's also kind of fun for adults."
Disney World is releasing a video compilation of the sing-along. For NPR News, I'm Amy Kelly in Orlando.
comedian Stephen Colbert, best known for satirizing political conservatives for the show on comedy central had the Late Night night work TV. 49-year-old host the Colbert Report was reported to succeed Late Night star David Letterman, the host of CBS's Late Show when Letterman leaves that show next year. Late Night in a statement said Colbert signed up 5 years deal. It didn't say whether the Late Show will stay in New York. 