美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-04-01(在线收听

 One day away from Friday,five days away from April, welcome to this March 27th addition of CNN student news.I am Corrow Azus working in Atlanta,US president is working in Europe. Yesterday president Obama met with European leaders in Brussel Belgim,one of the stop on its week-long trip to Europe and Mid-East, Uvren and Roser dominated this discussion.

The president and several European leaders don`t like the fact that Russia recently innext crimier--a former part of Ucreem. That happened after crimier voted to the com part of Russia. The US support ucreen`s new government,opposes Russia`s move to innest crimier and warn Russia not to innest any more of any other country. From Brussels ,president Obama is heading to Rome ,the leader of the US will meet with the leader of Roman Catholic Church,the the largest denomination of the Christianity.
For more than 2 hundreds of years, the politician behind the desk in the oven office, and the bishop seated on the throne of Peter have mark history together. On Thursday president Obama in pope Francis will open a new chapter of Vatican. In 2009,president Obama brought his family to the Vatican for his meeting with Pope Benidict. Sasha was still the youngest of the time and they see the sister Chapol and they going through these American of Chamber and each time and you`all should see somebody dressed up and cooften she said Zadipol?Is Zadipol?How about that guy over there. It`s there is nono you know when is this finally the pool. Joshal Dubba with president Obama`s direct face-based and neighborhood partnerships during his first term.
So you think it`s a little shift going on from the relationship with the former pope of a current pope.Well, I think they have a deep mutual concern for issues related to the poor and economical quality, and making sure that people can lives with dignity.But there are differences in their sensitive issues which these  two men will disagree.President Obama is pro choice, pope Francis is pro life. President Obama support marriage quality, uh, pope Francis does not. however,these are the type of men who are not gonna let disagreement on two issues, even those two very important issues provinct them from collaborating on many other things including dressing American economic equality around the world.
The meeting also take place while Catholic groups in the United States are fighting the administration in court. Over the countryceptive man, they in the affordable Krect, they say it violate their faith.Pope Francis is a very very clever man, he`s pretty good at dealing with politicians. There are very very big differences between the Obama administration secularism and where the pope is. But my guess is there even have a positive friendly meeting. This is appropriate certence to want to love you, and witness to you, not yell at you.
Like the history of meetings before between pope`s and president`s,there will be no sure of topics when the door is close on their private meeting.