12-6 东京(在线收听



A state of the art financial marketplace, a metropolis1 of exquisite politenesses, a city that is monstrously large yet has astonishing beauty in its details these are a few of the myriad2 ways to describe Tokyo, and all contain more than a grain3 of truth.


Of all major cities in the world, Tokyo, with its ultramodern speed and its smattering4 of old Japanese haunts5, is perhaps the hardest to understand, to feel comfortable in, and to see in any single perspective. To begin with, consider the sheer, outrageous size of it. Tokyo incorporates 23 wards6, 26 smaller cities, 7 towns, and 8 villages altogether sprawling7 88 kilometers (55 miles) from east to west and 24 kilometers (15 miles) from north to south. The wards alone enclose an area of 590 square kilometers (228 square miles), which in turn house some 11.9 million people. More than 3 million of these residents pass through Shinjuku Eki, one of the major hubs8 in the transportation network, every day.


It's staggering to think what the population density would be if Tokyo went up as well as out. Mile after mile, houses rise only one or two stories, their low uniformity broken here and there by the sore thumb of an apartment building. Space, that most precious of commodities, is so scarce that pedestrians9 have to weave in and around utility poles as they walk along the narrow sidewalks. Begin with that observation, and you discover that the very fabric of life in this city is woven of countless, unfathomable10 contradictions.


Tokyo is the most impermanent of cities, constantly tearing itself down and building anew. Whole blocks disappear overnight. The next day a framework of girders is already rising on the empty lot. It's virtually impossible now to put up a single? family house in the eight central wards of the city; a plot of land alone costs more than the average person will earn in several lifetimes. Home owners live in the suburbs, usually an hour or more by train from their jobs. Only developers can afford land closer in -- for office buildings, condominiums11, and commercial complexes.


More than anything else, though, Tokyo is a magnet12. Money -- enormous amounts of it -- is of course the great attractor, and it is always looking for new ways of turning itself over. The great collapse of 1992 left Japan's banks sitting on trillions of dollars of bad debt, and the economy has yet to recover, but the Japanese remain among the world's foremost consumers -- not merely of things but of culture and leisure. Everything shows up here, sooner or later: van Gogh's Sunflowers, the Berlin Philharmonic, Chinese pandas, Mexican food. Even the Coney Island carousel13 is here -- lovingly restored down to the last gilded curlicue14 on the last prancing15 unicorn16, back in action at an amusement park called Toshima-en.


Now the magnet, this exciting, exasperating, movable feast of a city, is drawing you.



1. metropolis [mi5trRpElis] n. 大城市,大都会

2. myriad [5miriEd] a. 无数的

3. grain [grein] n. 一点儿,些微

4. smattering [5smAtEriN] n. 少数,寥寥几个,些许

5. haunt [hC:nt] n. 常去的地方

6. ward [wC:d] n. (城镇、行政堂区等以下的)行政区,选区,区

7. sprawl [sprC:l] vi. (城市等)无计划地扩展(或延伸)

8. hub [hQb] n. (兴趣、活动等的)中心

9. pedestrian [pi5destriEn] n. 步行者,行人

10. unfathomable [7Qn5fATEmEbl] a. 莫测高深的,不可理解的

11. condominium [7kCndE5miniEm] n. [] = condo [kEn5dEu] [美口] 分套购置的公寓

12. magnet [5mA^nit] n. 有吸引力的人(或物)

13. carousel [7kArE5sel] n. [] 旋转木马

14. curlicue [5k:likju:] n. (书法、图案等的)花饰,旋曲

15. prancing [5prB:nsiN] a. 腾跃的,腾跳的

16. unicorn [5ju:nikC:n] n. (传说中头和身似马、后腿似牡鹿、尾似狮、前额中部有一螺旋状独角的)独角兽











