英语听力:自然百科 北极熊 冰上间谍 Spy_Bear—6(在线收听

 But again, a bear helps with the filming. Sealed with a kiss, the couple’s whirlwind romance will last three weeks.

Out on the frozen sea, a young male has killed a seal. He caught it when it surfaced through a breathing hole in the ice. To film from a different angle, blizzard-cam deploys snowball-cam. This technical miracle rolls with no visible moving parts. Its lens even boast a self-righting mechanism, a close-up reveals that he's eating the blubber. This provides the most nutrition and is always eaten first. Seals make up 95% of a polar bear's diet and are only found near the sea ice.
The two cub family are attracted to the frozen sea to hunt seals as well. She hunts the pups of ringed seals that hide in snowy dens on the ice. She finds them by smell, even a meter down. She pile-drives the snow with a force of two tons, but the roof of the den holds.
Back at the carcass, the spy-cams stay on to film bears attracted to the leftovers. The mother and a single cub--she could smell their remains from 20 miles away. In the den, she spent six months without eating while the males fattened up on seals.