英语听力:自然百科 穿越银河系的旅行 Through Milky Way—11(在线收听

 Once they’ve caught the light of a dying star with their state of our telescopes. The detective work can begin.

We collect that light and we analyze it in great detail in order to determine what’s going on, what’s the chemical makeup of the star, what’s the pressure inside, what’s the temperature, what kind of nuclear reactions are going on, how does the star explore. All these things we figured out through the analysis of light.
In doing so, astronomers have discovered that it’s only star with a huge mass that go out with a bang.
A massive star has a very interesting and vigorous life. Initially it fuses hydrogen to form helium and that produces energy that makes the star shine, then the ashes of that reaction the helium fuse together to form carbon and oxygen, releasing yet more energy. Then the carbon and oxygen can fuse into still heavier elements, magnesium, sodium, and neon, and things like that and then silicon and sulfur, and finally iron.
When it starts to make iron, the giant star is doomed. In the core, there is a fierce battle. Energy is pushing outwards, holding it up, while gravity wants to crash it inwards. The battle continues as the star makes heavier and heavier elements, producing energy, fending off total collapse. But once it stops to form iron, the battle is lost.
Fusion of iron, nuclear iron to heavier things, does not release energy; it absorbs energy. So an iron core builds up, but finally it becomes so massive, the gravity wins, the iron core collapses, in last second, the out layer collapse inward then rebound and get blown to smithereens.