
   Chances are you do the same things every day. You do the same work. You eat the same foods. You wear the same clothes. Shake things up by doing something new. Try a new approach. Take a new path. Even talk to someone new. All of these can pump up your attitude.

  Look for the Opportunity
  Even the worst of circumstances have opportunities. Can you find the opportunity when things look bleak? I once had to leave a company due to an unethical boss. I was devastated at the time, but it lead me to look at new careers that I had never considered.
  Like smiling, laughing is also something that is preprogrammed in all of us. However, along the road of life, many of us have lost our sense of humor. Want to turn around a bad situation? Look it in the eye and laugh. Then do something about it.
  Let Anger Go
  Anger doesn’t help in 99% of situations. In fact, it usually makes things worse. It clouds your judgement. It stresses others. It causes additional friction to whatever is happening. Learn to control your temper. Being calm under stress is a powerful skill.
  Learn from Losing
  No one wins all of the time. Learn from the times that you lose. What can you learn from your missteps? All great champions were once losers at some point. But, they learned. And they kept a positive attitude until they got better.