
   New scientific research offers surprising ways to shower yourself with tranquility, creativity, longevity and more.

  1. Optimism
  Never mind if you don't have hours a day-even a few minutes spent in quiet contemplation once in a while yields noticeable benefits. A group of adults who meditated an average of six hours and 13 minutes over the course of five weeks developed patterns of brain activity typically associated with positive moods.
  2. Serenity
  When mice were fed a strain of probiotics found in some yogurt, they became calmer under stress, Irish and Canadian scientists observed. The were less likely to panic like their broth-fed brethren, and they produced fewer stress hormones-effects similar to those brought on by antidepressants. Look for yogurt that has active probiotic cultures, and say, "Mmmm."爱尔兰和加拿大的科学家观察发现,用某种酸奶里含有的活益生菌喂食老鼠,能让它们在压力之下显得更加冷静。相比那些食肉的老鼠而言,它们似乎更不容易陷入恐慌,还能分泌出较少的压力荷尔蒙--这和服用抗抑郁症药物的效果一样。喝喝那些富含活益生菌的酸奶吧,然后大赞一句“好喝”。
  3. Creative Thinking
  Volunteers who worked in rooms lit by a lamp with an incandescent lightbulb instead of overhead fluorescents solved problems requiring novel thinking more successfully. Scientists say the symbolism of the bulb (not just its light spectrum) led to the subjects' bright ideas, and cited "a growing body of research showing that perception of objects...can subtly influence our behavior."房间里的灯泡对创造性思维有影响。相比头顶是日光灯的志愿者而言,头顶是白炽灯泡的似乎更能轻而易举的解决需要创新性思维的难题。科学家表示,灯泡的象征主义(不仅仅它的光谱)能帮助被试者想出不错的点子,并且“越来越多的行为研究表明对物体的感知能潜移默化的影响我们的行为”。
  4. Belonging
  Undergraduates who considered chicken soup a comfort food and then were fed some scored higher on a psychological test of social connectedness than those who weren't given any soup. When given a word fragment like incl, they converted it into a "relationship word" such as include, instead of a neutral term, like incline, because the dish stirred a sense of connection.
  在社交连通性的心理测试中,我们给那些把鸡汤看成是安慰食物的大学生准备了一些鸡汤,结果显示他们的得分要比没有喝鸡汤的那群人更高。比如我们给出词根incl, 他们会迅速转化成“关系词汇” 比如include,而非中性词汇incline,因为鸡汤激起了他们心中的归属感。
  5. Vitality
  Tired? Draggy? Stuck in your office? Picture yourself outside beneath an arching sky and canopied branches. Daydreaming about nature is energizing, according to a new study. And if you can go outdoors, even better: As little as 20 minutes in a natural setting demonstrably increased people's energy levels for the day.
  6. Longevity
  Using data from about 10,000 adults tracked over 50 years, scientists discovered that volunteering, especially for altruistic motives, can be a lifesaver. People who reported giving their time because they wanted to help others outlived those who didn't volunteer at all, as well as those who did so mostly for their own satisfaction.
  7. Bliss
  Researchers asked volunteers to rate their level of happiness the last time they spent money on themselves or on someone else. Not only were the givers happier, but when presented with extra cash to use as they wished, they were more apt to spend it on others. The study's authors concluded "a positive feedback loop" exists between offering gifts and well-being.
  8. A Healthier Diet
  To make better choices at the grocery store, bring dollar bills, a revelatory study shows. Analyzing 1,000 households, researchers found that shoppers who paid by credit card tended to select chips, cookies, and other junk food. The theory: Shelling out cash is more psychologically painful, so people are less likely to spend it on unhealthy goods.
  1. Know what you’re trying to achieve and why.
  Lack of direction creates stress. And it’s lack of direction, not lack of time, that’s the problem when it comes to personal achievement. Everyone has the same 24-hour days and 7-day weeks.
  Whenever you want to achieve something keep your conscious clear. Focus and make sure you know exactly what it is you want and why. No one can hit their target if they don’t know what their target is.
  2. Do less by focusing exclusively on what’s important.
  The essence of personal productivity is to do the important things rather than the urgent things. In other words, put first things first. Focus on the essential and eliminate the rest.
  3. Think progress, not perfection.
  Don’t worry about perfection; you’ll never achieve it. Instead, focus on the progress you’ve made and the progress you intend to make today.
  Progression is not automatic or inevitable. Every step of personal growth requires sacrifice and work. Every step is part of an ever-improving, ever-ascending life path. Every step is an accomplishment that should be celebrated. You know you will never get to the absolute peak (perfection), but when you celebrate the journey this truth only adds to the joy and glory of the climb.
  4. Cleanse your heart every night.
  Just as your body needs regular washing because it gets dirty every day, so does your heart.
  Because every day, people hurt you, offend you, forget you, snub you, step on you, or reject you. But if you choose to forgive these people and let these things go at the end of each day, you cleanse your heart. You wake up the next morning refreshed and free of negativity. Refuse to carry old regrets, mindsets, and distractions into each new day.
  5. Purge untrue thoughts.
  Behind every stressful feeling is an untrue thought. Before the thought you weren’t suffering, but after the thought you began to suffer. When you recognize that the thought isn’t true, once again there is no suffering. When you change your thoughts, you change your life.
  6. Expect some stress, accept it, and let go of it.
  The most important journeys that lead to the most wonderful places are usually the challenging ones you must endure the hard way.
  Stress is but a wall between two peaceful gardens - the garden where you are and garden where you want to be. You must scale the wall that’s in your way, gathering lessons as you climb, before letting go as you descend to the other side. You will only lose if you never climb or you never let go.
  7. Be kind to your body.
  A good workout is the best stress reducer, and a fit, healthy body is the best fashion statement.
  The pursuit of optimal fitness is a journey, a constant struggle, a lifestyle. It’s a gradual process where intensity during each exercise session, what you eat every single day, and patience over years is what’s required.
  But as you know, the longest journey always begins with a single step. It’s all about taking that step and then stepping one day at a time, committing yourself to a daily intake of 30 to 60 minutes of uninterrupted exercise and a reasonably healthy diet.
  8. Do one nice thing for yourself every day.
  Put yourself at the top of your priority list. There is no person on Earth who deserves your kindness and attention more than you. When you love yourself first, everything else falls into place.
  So treat yourself every day. Give yourself something special - like laughter, good conversation, meditation, quiet reading, an hour to work on a passion, a long walk, etc. You are worth it.
  9. Simplify.
  Organize, don’t agonize. Keep your space ordered and your schedule under-booked. Create a foundation with a soft place to land, a wide margin of error, and room to think and breathe…安排有序,不要折磨自己。保持空间条理有序、计划表仍有空档。让自己有缓冲的空间,做事留有余地,有思考和呼吸的空间……So you have the flexibility to explore the possibilities for happiness in each and every day.