Eliminating Bad English Speaking Habits(在线收听

Eliminating Bad English Speaking Habits


I say "um" too much

1)Vocalized pauses or 2)fillers, including "um", "uh" and "ah", and their close relatives, "like", "you know", and "okay?", are some of the most common concerns brought to a speech 3)consultant. We don't, uh, want to, uh, get to, um, 4)picky here, since one to three percent of everyone's speech normally contains hesitations. And folks like Bobby and Ted Kennedy have spoken successfully in public life despite long "aahhh" pauses. However, a bad case of "umm it is" makes you annoying to listen to. So, why do so many of us "um" along in life?  Most often, vocalized pauses function as a way to fill up space as we 5)formulate the next thought. Though old habits take some time to break, it is possible to 6)banish the "ums" and "uhs" forever.

Here are some tips for "um" and "uh" 7)extermination.

First, spend a week observing your "um" and "uh" pattern. Just becoming aware of the 8)dimension of the problem, helps you to cut down.

Second, practice deliberately inserting one or two-second pauses into your speech. Many people who "um" their listeners to 9)distraction, don't realize that short silences are less 10)obtrusive and perfectly acceptable. 

Third, your goal is to allow a slight pause instead of that unnecessary vocalizing. Try to catch the start of your "ums" and "uhs". You can actually feel the movement in your vocal 11)chords. 12)Nip them in the bud and just be silent instead. 


I talk too fast

Some fast talkers come from families where there's a lot of competition for the floor. Others come from families that seem to have a genetic speed streak. They walk fast, work fast, and also talk fast. Some people race-talk because they feel no one really wants to listen to them. Finally, rapid speech can be a sign of stress. The good news about fast talking is that studies show that listeners prefer a faster-than-average rate to a slower-than-average rate. The bad news is that speaking at 13)breakneck speed, can leave a negative impression. 

If you are talking so fast that people find you hard to understand, start slowing down your speech with this technique. Count, one two, in your head at natural pauses between phrases, sentences and items in a list. The extra second will help you control your breathing better and allow time for listeners to absorb what you've said. 

In this next example, I'll say the one two aloud. But when you practice it, do the one two silently. "I'm glad to be meeting you today (one two). Before we get on with our agenda, (one two), I'd like to ask each of you (one two) to introduce yourself, (one two), and to tell us a bit about your company. Practice the "one two technique" when reading a newspaper or magazine article aloud. Use a tape recorder to double check that you've really allowed the pause it takes to say. (one two) 







一、 花一个星期的时间观察你“嗯”、“啊”的模式,稍稍了解问题的轻重缓急有助于减少它的发生次数。

二、 有意识地练习在你的言语中加入一、两秒钟的停顿。许多把听众“嗯”走神的人没有想到,短暂的沉默不但不易察觉而且完全可以接受。

三、 你的目标是允许轻微的停顿而不是那多余的发声。试着捕捉你“嗯”、“啊”的前奏,你能真真切切地感受到声带的擅动。把它们消灭在萌芽中然后转为沉默就行了。








1) vocalized [5vEukElaizd] a. 有声的

2) filler [5filE] n. 填充物

3) consultant [kEn5sQltEnt] n. 顾问,咨询者

4) picky [5piki] a. 吹毛求疵的,好挑剔的,过分讲究的

5) formulate [5fC:mjuleit] v. 阐明

6) banish [5bAniF] v. 消除,驱除

7) extermination [iks5tE:mineiFEn] n. 消灭,根绝

8) dimension [di5menFEn] n. 范围,程度

9) distraction [dis5trAkFEn] n. 分心,走神

10) obtrusive [Eb5tru:siv] a. 突出的,显著的

11) chord [kC:d] n. 发声,和音

12) nip them in the bud 将某事物阻止或消除于萌芽中

13) breakneck [5breiknek] a. 非常快的






