Shaggy Teaches You to Introduce Yourself(在线收听

Shaggy Teaches You to Introduce Yourself


My name is Shaggy. Aahh, not to be confused with Shaggy from 1)Austin Powers. This is Shaggy, 2)shagadelic shaggy, 3)shagalistic shaggy, 4)shagnotic, Mr. 5)Lova shaggy.

My age right now... I'm... 30, 31, something like that.

My first 6)crush... Let me see what my first crush is. Umm ... can not remember if I had a crush. Ahh, I would say it was... this girl... it was in my, my fourth grade class.  That's way back, too, boy. My memory doesn't serve me that well. My first, now it was a young lady... that I, I was totally in love with and the only thing I had of her was a poster that I tore out of a magazine and put on my wall. And I, like a 7)pervert, kissed the photograph all the time. That'd be my first one.

My last love was a couple months ago. I can't say who, but that would be cool. 

When did I first fall in love? I don't know if I was ever in love (small laugh). That's sad! But I think if it's that little tingly feeling that makes you want to see the person all the time, and that's love. Umm, I would say that was when I was about ... Oooooo... 20, 22... around there.

The most romantic thing I've ever done now, let me see... would be renting a hotel in Manhattan... the Waldorf-Astoria-posh Hotel-- getting a suite that overlooked the park, going on a little horse-and-buggy ride, get to the hotel room, have dinner first, do the horse- and-buggy ride, to the Comedy Store, have a laugh, leave, get back to the hotel room, and walk in to the suite -- it was all candles, and rose petals everywhere -- and just... be so energetic that the windows would fog up. 

The worst thing I've ever done to a girlfriend, umm... and I did this in pure fun, was give her a 8)weggie, 'cause I've always seen it done and I've, I've never done it, so just one of the things I just have to do. She wasn't amused anyway, but you know, it was funny (laugh).

I haven't 9)snoged anyone fame... well, I have snoged some... someone famous, well, a couple of people that were famous, but I can't call their name because they might be watching and, I don't kiss-and-tell. Who famous that I like just now? All right... (sigh, smack lips)... I done her. What's her name? Did her too? So... Halley, Halley Berry would be the person I'd like to snog, and I don't have much time because she's almost married. (smack lips) So look out, girl, when you see me running up to you with lips, you know what's up! (loud laugh) 








我曾经做过的最浪漫的事是,让我想想……是在曼哈顿租了一间旅馆,叫Waldorf Astoria Posh旅馆,从套房里可以远眺公园,乘马车进出旅馆房间,首先美餐一顿,然后乘马车去喜剧商店找乐子,离开,然后再回到旅馆房间,我走进房间时发现四周都是蜡烛,到处都是玫瑰花瓣--真是情调盎然,连窗户都有雾气笼罩。





1) Austin Powers 影片《王牌大贱谍》。在这里指的是Austin Powers - the Spy who Shagged Me《王牌大贱谍2:时空间谍007》。

2) shagadelic 此词是由Shaggypsychedelic ( [7saiki5delik] a. 起幻觉的,迷幻的) 结合而来的,并没有什么实际意义,只是用来起夸张与炫耀的作用。以下两词用法相同。

3) shagalistic 此词是由Shaggyfantastic ( [fAn5tAstik] a. 幻想的,空想的) 结合而来。

4) shagnotic 此词是由Shaggyhypnotic ( [hip5nCtik] a. 催眠的) 结合而来。

5) Lova = lover

6) crush [krQF] n. (对某人的)强烈而短暂的喜爱,迷恋

7) pervert [pE(:)5vE:t] n. 走上邪路者,堕落者

8) weggie [] 是一种恶作剧,在某人的背后提他的裤带把他拎起来

9) snog [snR^] v. 亲吻拥抱




