Speaking Sparkles (1)(在线收听

Speaking Sparkles (1)



"Sure, time of my life - the last six years, this has been the best. I mean, it's ... I've been like a prince; lived the life of a prince, six years, you know, kind of, formed my own company, made three films with my company. I don't think I could have done that without Bond. So one can only kind of take the high road with something like this and just enjoy it and celebrate it. So would I like to go again? Yes, I'd love to do a fifth." 


--Pierce Brosnan就会否继续饰演邦德答记者问



"It really doesn't matter whether it's an American company, a French company, a Russian company, a Chinese company producing that oil. As long as the oil is being produced with some kind of a 1)reliability and flowing into the world market."


                        --剑桥能源研究所主席、普立策奖获得者Daniel Jorgen推测在萨达姆下台后伊拉克的石油将会由不同的国际公司联手开采


"Girls 2)outperform boys in 3)elementary school, middle school, high school and college and graduate school. Girls are being told, 'Go for it, you can do it!' 'Go for it, you can do it!' They are getting an 4)immense amount of support. Boys hear that the way to shine is 5)athletically. And they get, boys get a lot of mixed messages about what it means to be 6)masculine and what it means to be a student. Is being a good student make you a real man? I don't think so. It is not cool."


         --Michael Tompson博士谈及美国高等院校中男女比例失衡的原因



1) reliability [ri7laiE5biliti] n. 稳定性

2) outperform [autpE5fC:m] v. 做得比……好,胜过

3) elementary [7eli5mentEri] a. 初步的,基本的

4) immense [i5mens] a. 无边的,极广大的

5) athletically [AW5letikEli] ad. 运动比赛地,具有运动员风范地

6) masculine [5mB:skjulin] a. 男性的,男子气概的
