


“I love this woman!”----There’s a better way to do it, says the ad: Give her a diamond, or a 1)bunch of them, and she’ll love you back. Which makes me ask, “Why a diamond?” Why not a ruby or an 2)emerald, or, what the 3)heck, a 4)toaster or a 5)kitten? Why did diamonds get to be the “Love and marriage” thing? Why, everywhere, do couples, who wish to declare their love, go out and pay big bucks for diamonds? One reason we’re given is that diamonds are so 6)scarce. So, ah, is it true?

Donna: No.

Marketing professor, Donna Bergenstock, points out their 7)scarcity is a myth created long ago by DeBeers, the South African company that’s dug up most of the world’s diamonds. 

Donna: There are billions of dollars of diamonds sitting in 8)vaults in London, in South Africa, that DeBeers specifically keeps off the market in order to 9)artificially raise the price of diamonds. 

The supply’s so vast that if DeBeers hadn’t controlled the world market for decades, diamonds would be much cheaper. 

Donna: A diamond really’s just a piece of 10)carbon. It’s a just a rock. 

Advert: A diamond is forever.

So why is this rock a symbol of love? Because DeBeers told us it was. Since 1940, DeBeers’ brilliant ad campaign’s been convincing Americans that diamonds mean love.

Garfield: Unlike most advertising, people just completely bought it. 

Bob Garfield, of Advertising Age Magazine, says it’s one of the best ad campaigns ever done.

Garfield: It created, out of whole cloth, the 11)notion that at your engagement, you must give your 12)intended a diamond. 

But years of listening to this 13)propaganda has convinced us that giving diamonds is an age-old tradition. This is just a sales 14)pitch.

















1) bunch [bQntF] n.

2) emerald [5emErEld] n. 绿宝石

3) heck [hek] n.地狱  What the heck! 去他的!

4) toaster [5tEJstE(r)] n. 烤面包机

5) kitten [5kitn] n. 小猫

6) scarce [skZEs] a. 稀有的

7) scarcity [5skZEsiti] n. 稀有

8) vault [vC:lt] n. 地窖,地下室

9) artificially [7B:ti5fiFEli] adv. 人为地

10) carbon [5kB:bEn] n.

11) notion [5nEuFEn] n. 概念,观点

12) intended [in5tendid] n. 已经订婚的人

13) propaganda [7prCpE5^AndE] n. 宣传

14) pitch [pitF] n. 顶点
