Opening Remarks at The Oscar(在线收听

Opening Remarks at The Oscar


Thank you. Well, I'm glad they 1)cut back on all the 2)glitz. You probably noticed there was no fancy red carpet tonight. That'll send them a message! 

Now, I am so excited to be back. I didn’t host the show last year because I was - how do you say it - not asked. But, everybody has been so supportive of my hosting this year.

Writers, directors, actors. If we’re stuck here tonight and we run out of food, that’s the order of whom we eat. 

Now, before we go any further, I have a 3)confession to make. Just before I came out here, I 4)licked all the Oscars. 

And many great stars are here tonight: Olivia DeHavilland is here. We have Kirk Douglas. And Margaret O’Brien. Mickey Rooney is here. Now, not a lot of people know this, but Mickey Rooney is the same age as the earth. At one point, Mickey Rooney was the biggest box office star in all the 38 states. Mickey, I salute you! Where are you, Mickey? Hey! Hey! Mickey, I’m sorry we couldn’t get you a better seat but Vin Diesel is here. Oh good. Mickey is 5)heckling me. Now today’s movie stars make millions of dollars but Mickey Rooney was paid in shiny beads.

Barbara Streisand is here, who's just here tonight to enjoy the show and direct. And there's Nicole Kidman. Now here's an interesting fact about Nicole Kidman - not a lot of people know this - Nicole Kidman has worn a fake nose in every movie she's ever made, except The Hours. Looking good, Nicole! Halle Berry is here. And notice, I am standing exactly 22 feet away from Halle Berry in 6)compliance with the court order. 

Tonight, Jack Nicholson and Meryl Streep made Oscar history. It was backstage and it wasn't pretty. It's a big year for Jack; he also got in a hot tub with Kathy Bates. But hey, who hasn't? 

There was a lot of big movies this year. Now I loved Lord of the Rings. That was a great download! - Sorry. Theatrical experience.  Now, another big movie, Chicago.  Now, I'm just being honest here, Miramax stopped at nothing to make sure Chicago was nominated. Now here's what they did, and you tell me if you think this is fair. They made a really good movie that everybody likes. 

Now there were a lot of cutbacks this year in the movie industry - lots of layoffs - and now they're talking about reducing actors' salaries. For God's sake, are we insane?  Things are financially tough all over, so right now you should do what Tom Cruise does.  At the end of each week, he takes a million dollars and he just puts it away -- like it's not even there -- whether it's been a good week or a bad week, and then at the end of the year, you've got a little 7)cushion. 

Oh, sorry.  I thought I saw a non-celebrity. 

Remember, there are no losers here tonight, but we're about to change all that.  I should tell you that if you are a winner and your speech goes on too long, first you'll see flashing lights, and then the band will start to play, and then you'll feel something stick in your neck, and I would suggest that you walk toward the light; to your loved ones who are saying, "Come, you big winner, you!"










今晚杰克·尼科尔森和梅丽尔·斯特里普创造了奥斯卡之最。这事发生在后台,不那么好看。对于杰克来说这是非常重要的一年; 他还和嘉茜·比丝一起洗热水浴。不过,谁未试过呢?




请记着,今晚没有输家,但是我们很快要开始改变这形势。如果你们有幸得奖而致谢辞过长,那么你首先会看到闪光灯,接着乐队会开始奏乐,然后你会感到颈部有点刺痛,我建议你朝光亮处走去; 走向你的至亲好友,他们会说:过来吧,大赢家就是你!



1) cut back on 大量削减某事物

2) glitz [^lits] n. 浮华,诱惑力,吸引力

3) confession [kEn5feFEn] n. 承认,供认

4) lick [lik] v.

5) heckle [hekl] v. 诘问,诘难

6) compliance [kmplains] n. 顺从,依从

7) cushion [5kuFEn] n. 软垫,靠垫;这里比喻为积蓄
