You’ve Got Invited(在线收听

You’ve Got Invited


Getting together for drinks is one of the biggest trends in entertaining and it’s not just at bars. These days the coolest cocktail gatherings are happening at home. Now if the idea of throwing your own party is a little overwhelming, we’re gonna change all of that. With a few simple tips and a 1)splash of creativity, you can make your next get together the hippest event in town. We spent some time with a number of cocktail experts and party planners to show you how simple it can be.


Lightening Arrangement


Jason Harley is a top chef and party planner in Los Angeles. Today he’s putting together a party for 15 guests.


Jason begins with 2)décor. Using common items like 3)Christmas lights and 4)tea candles he creates 5)ambiance in the entryway. Jason creates charming candle holders using flower 6)petals and ordinary vases.


Jason: We’re gonna take different size vases which are very inexpensive, you can get them anywhere. We fill them with water, and as you see different levels so you get some different height and eye appeal, throw in a few different rose petals and drop in a floating candle.


Couldn’t be any easier, looks gorgeous. Jason repeats this process with river rock and square vases and then puts them on the 7)hearth. To add to the 8)festive mood he hangs paper lanterns on the balcony, and from the beam that divides the living room and dining area.


Jason: The thing you want to make sure is that you have different sizes, different shapes. Don’t keep it all the same because it is boring that way. Hang them at little different levels.


Easily purchased at any textile store, fabrics are decorative as well as practical. Jason uses Moroccan cloth to dress the 9)buffet table.


Bar Setting


With the decor complete, the next step is setting up the bar.


Our expert bartender, J.D Cargil shows us how. J.D says the bar should be arranged in a way that encourages movement. On to the mixers. What do we need, all kinds of juice, some pop or can we sort of keep it simple?


J.D: Keep it simple, the 10)ratio for a drink or any cocktail is one to three. One part alcohol, three parts mixer. The basic mixers you want to have are 11)tonic, soda, Coke along with orange juice, 12)cranberry juice and some sour.


OK, what about actual bar apparatus, like a shaker, a 13)shot glass, a 14)strainer, how essential are those things?


J.D: I would say that unless you’re gonna pre-mix a few cocktails for people, you’re gonna have to have some kind of mixer, some kind of shaker, a Boston shaker is a classic, good to have, you just fill it up with ice, add your alcohol and shake it.


15)Garnishes add a special touch so make sure your bar has all the classics.


J.D: You’ve got your basic 16)savory gar nishes which are your salty garnishes, cocktail onion for your gibson, olives for your martini and your salty drinks, and then if you’ve got your 17)citrus or fruit garnishes, which are gonna go on all of your fruity beverages you know, anything that has juice in it or tonic.


The 18)Hors D’oeuvres


With the bar ready our chef Jason Harley gives his secrets for making easy hors d’oeuvres. How do I gauge how much food I buy for ten to fifteen people that are coming to the party?


Jason: You want to figure at least three to four hors d’oeuvres per person.


First up easy to make stuffed cherry tomatoes. Jason spices up plain 19)couscous by adding chopped 20)almonds, dried cranberries and red bell pepper. Then he is ready to stuff the tomatoes. Next up a shrimp 21)kebab that takes only minutes to make.


Jason: What I did earlier today was I took an onion, a little garlic and lemon juice and some olive oil and I 22)puréed it in a 23)blender, that’s our 24)marinade, very simple. Take your shrimps here, put them in a bowl, always make sure you season with salt and pepper. What we do after that, we 25)sauté them in a hot pan with a little olive oil and we crisp both sides and we finish with a fresh squeeze of lemon.


With a little 26)ingenuity and flair, throwing a party doesn’t have to be an overwhelming prospect. Remember if the host is enjoying herself everyone will!



1) splash [splAF] n. 飞溅

2) décor [deI5kC:r] n. (法语)装饰;舞台装置

3) Christmas light 用于装饰的能弯曲成任何形状的电力线缆,有许多颜色

4) tea candle 可放入杯中的粗而短小的蜡烛

5) ambiance [5AmbiEns] n. 气氛

6) petal [5petl] n. 花瓣

7) hearth [hB:W] n. 壁炉

8) festive [5festiv] a. 欢乐的,节日的

9) buffet [5bQfit] n. 餐具柜

10) ratio [5reiFiEu] n. 比率

11) tonic [5tCnik] n. 有兴奋作用的东西

12) cranberry [5krAn7bEri] n. 酸果蔓的果实

13) shot glass 烈酒杯,其容量规格一般为56ml,用于各种烈性酒,只限于在不加冰的时候使用

14) strainer [5streinE] n. 过滤器

15) garnish [5^B:niF] n. 装饰

16) savory [5seivEri] a. 美味可口的

17) citrus [5sItrEs] n. 柑橘,柠檬

18) Hors D’oeuvres [C:5dE:vr] (法语)餐前的小吃。举行正式招待会的时候,或者在正式的晚餐前,主人用来款待客人的一些小点心

19) couscous [5ku:sku:s] n 蒸粗麦粉

20) almond [5B:mEnd] n. 杏仁

21) kebab [kE5bB:b] n. 肉串上的肉块

22) purée [5pjJEreI] v. (法语)把……做成浓汤或酱等

23) blender [5blendE] n. 搅拌机

24) marinade [7mAri5neid] n. 腌泡汁

25) sauté [5 sEutei] v. 嫩煎

26) ingenuity [7indVi5nju:iti] n. 独创性;别出心裁
































