Tippi: The Little Girl Who Talks to Animals(在线收听

Tippi: The Little Girl Who Talks to Animals

Tippi in Africa

Tippi: I know all about nature. I know the tracks; I always know where I’m going, and I never get lost, never ever. It’s my power, it’s from the magic. Since I hardly ever see any children, my friends are the animals.

We mustn’t kill animals; if we kill them there will never be any more and that would be really sad. I don’t kill animals; I’m a child; I don’t have any weapons; I don’t have anything—I’m just a child in the 1)jungle. Those three 2)giraffes are under my 3)spell: one of them looked at me, then the other two looked at me, they’re already my friends. But lions they can’t look at me, never ever, they just want to eat me.

Father: Yeah sure, Tippi. What’s your magic, Tippi?

Tippi: It’s all the power to be friends with the animals so even snakes and lions can’t hurt you. The magic is to think about the God of Love who protects the animals, so they are not sad and can’t die, it’s the power to protect everything, the sun, the sea, and all the life that exist in the world even the universe. My god protects them all.

Mother: Look at the 4)herd, Tippi.

Tippi: The 5)zebras are kissing, it’s wonderful! All the animals are wonderful!

Mother: Look at the birds over there. There are thousands of them, Tippi.

Tippi: You know birds can fly very far away to the edge of the world.

Tippi in Australia

Debra and several of her friends are working toward helping the 6)koala population of Australia through a series of 7)constructive and 8)innovative programmes.

Koala is the 9)aboriginal term that means “doesn’t drink.” What is interesting about koalas is that almost their entire 10)intake of water comes from the 11)eucalyptus leaves that it eats. When the forests are destroyed, this 12)eliminates both the koala’s primary food source and home. While the koala is protected, the forests are not.

Debra: In this forest all the trees have got different animals, koala, 13)possums, 14)sugar gliders, flying foxes—practically everything that you think of in the Australian bush is in this national park, so we just have to remember that this tree is very important to it, and to human beings as well. We have to keep the trees to make the air healthy.

Over millions of years, the koalas adapted to living high up in the eucalyptus branches where they are safe from their natural 15)predator.

Today Tippi gets the chance to release this young koala they’ve named Vicky. It is an emotional experience: many of the staff have come to know and love this 16)cuddly little creature as it fought its way back to health. Saying goodbye is never easy.

Tippi: Good luck, be careful with the dogs and the cars. Be happy, Vicky.

When you get close to the koalas in the trees, they climb even higher on the  17)elastic branches. If there is a lot of wind they hold on very tight like if they were in the middle of a storm. When they move their head they seem to give up but they don’t let go; they fight against the wind which makes them look funny. It’s very soft, I’d like to take you with me but I know I can’t.

Debra’s dream is that humans and koalas can live in harmony. I think that she will succeed, she has such a passion for her work.

Debra: Well, Tippi, we’ve made a pretty good team, haven’t we? It’s been lovely to have you in the bush with me and I’ll look forward to you coming back.

Tippi: I hope we see each other again.

Debra: I hope so too, Tippi; I’m sure we will and do you love koalas as much as I do?

Tippi: Yeah, for me the vision of koalas is innocence. I wish that people will stop cutting the trees down.

Debra: So do I, Tippi. With you and all the children that you’re going to teach to love the koalas, I think maybe we won’t be so stupid in the future, so we’ll look forward to saving the koala together, hey?

Tippi: Yeah.

Debra: Let’s have a look at this beautiful sunset.

1) jungle [5dVQN^l] n. 丛林
2) giraffe [dVi5rB:f] n. 长颈鹿
3) spell [spel] n. 符咒,魅力
4) herd [hE:d] n. 兽群,牧群
5) zebra [5zebrE] n. 斑马
6) koala [kEu5B:lE] n. 树袋熊(音译名为“考拉”)
7) constructive [kEn5strQktiv] a. 建设性的
8) innovative [5inEuveitiv] a. 创新的,革新的
9) aboriginal [7AbE5ridVEnEl] a. 土著的,原来的
10) intake [5inteik] n. 引入的量
11) eucalyptus [7ju:kE5liptEs] n. [植]桉树
12) eliminate [i5limineit] v. 排除,消除
13) possum [5pCsEm] n. [动]袋貂
14) sugar glider 短头鼠鼯
15) predator [5predEtE] n. 掠夺者,食肉动物
16) cuddly [5kQdli] a. 令人想拥抱的,喜爱抚摸的
17) elastic [i5lAstik] a. 弹性的





爸爸: 是的,那当然了,蒂皮。你说的魔法是什么呢,蒂皮?




妈妈: 蒂皮,看那边的鸟儿,有成千上万只呢!

蒂皮: 鸟儿可以尽情翱翔,它们可以飞到天边。



黛布拉: 在这片森林里,所有的树木都是不同种类动物的栖身之地,像考拉,袋貂,短头鼠鼯,狐蝠——几乎所有你能想到的澳洲丛林里的动物在这个国家公园里都有。我们必须记住这种树对考拉很重要,对人类也很重要。我们必须保护树木来使得空气清新健康。







蒂皮: 是的。对我来说,考拉意味着纯洁天真。我希望人们不要再砍伐树木。

黛布拉: 我也是,蒂皮。有了你喜欢考拉,将来再通过你告诉孩子们要爱护考拉,我相信以后人们不会做出像现在这么愚蠢的事了。让我们期待人们同心协力地拯救考拉,好吗?



