A Paradise for Crawling Creatures(在线收听

A Paradise for Crawling Creatures

Feeling 1)run-down? Stressed? Or just need to get away from it all? We may have found the hotel with the ultimate in service: a luxury resort complete with 2)hydrotherapy 3)whirlpool, 4)shiatsu massage and door-to-door 5)limousine service. It’s so 6)elite you won’t get in unless you 7)grovel on all fours; you might even have to beg. That’s because the Cozy Inn Pet Resort in Stahlstown, Pennsylvania, won’t take humans -- can you believe it? This place was designed to give your pet a vacation from you.

Carol Boerio-Croft (Inn Owner): The whole idea of the pet resort is to entertain the pets and give them new adventures and new fun things to do.

Carol Boerio-Croft has spent over two million dollars creating her pet paradise, an 8)elaborate 100-acre compound, that’s definitely a breed apart. We found someone ready to give her pets a 9)doggie holiday. Margaret Raphael, Rascal, Edith, Hazel, Vonna and Molly agreed to find out all the secrets of this 10)canine hotel for us.

Margaret (Pet Owner): They’re like my children. No question about it.

Carol: What we see is that prime clientele whose pets are their children.

OK, they’re riding 11)in style. So once they get to the Cozy Inn, what’s 12)in store for Rascal, Edith, Hazel, Vonna and Molly? Once everyone’s checked into this cozy pet hotel, what services do they want first? How about swimming lessons in a bone shaped pool? Or a home-cooked doggie dinner in your own personal suite? Maybe a treasure hunt in a sandbox? Or enjoy a 13)two-paws-up movie -- 14)Rin Tin Tin is a favourite here. Or maybe you’d prefer a more hands-on treatment?

Carol: We have a 15)reiki and shiatsu and Swedish massage and we have a sport’s massage and they’re used for different situations, like hip 16)dysplasia. A sport’s massage is for post hunting season.

And since dogs have been licking our faces for years, now it’s their turn to get a facial. Even a full bath is a treat here, just ask this golden retriever. You can even get a new look if you ask for the blow dry. And since your pet is on vacation he’s got to have a place to 17) “paw-ty.”It takes Carol’s entire staff to manage all the party animals.

When a guest goes off the leash to roam the countryside, you can see why Carol built the Cozy Inn Hotel here. So can you just drop by? Not a chance! Carol is booked months in advance, welcoming over 50,000 pets a year, who need to chill and spend time away from their humans. With so many 18)posh services does it cost 19)an arm and a paw? Well, that’s the other secret of the Cozy Inn -- a weekend here can run you under a hundred bones, plus the 20)pampering and personalized treatment make it well worth the price.

Carol: Guess what you could say is we take care of people’s furry little children.

And perhaps the best secret of all is after a vacation full of ultimate services at Cozy Inn Pet Hotel, every pet feels like a king!

1) run-down [5rQn5daun] a. 筋疲力尽的;身体不好的
2) hydrotherapy [5haidrEu5CerEpi] n. 水治疗法
3) whirlpool [5wE:lpu:l] n. 旋涡,混乱
4) shiatsu [Fi:5B:tsu:] n. 日本推拿,一种用于针灸穴位的指法按摩,日本医学上的一种传统治疗形式。它有些类似于我国的针灸,但由医生用手掌和大拇指按压人体穴位,而不是用银针。
5) limousine [5limu:zi:n] n. 豪华轿车
6) elite [ei5li:t] n. 精华,中坚分子
7) grovel [5^rCvl] v. 趴,匍匐,卑躬屈膝
8) elaborate [i5lAbErEt] a. 精心制作的   
9) doggie [5dC^i] n. 小狗
10) canine [5keinain] a. 犬的  
11) in style 很排场;舒适地
12) in store 等候;即将发生
13) two-paws-up 狗儿都喜欢的电影。在美国,有一个很受欢迎的两人影评节目,对好的节目,他们通常都会说Two Thumbs Up,这里是把狗的paws代替了人的thumbs。
14) Rin Tin Tin 铃叮叮是20世纪20年代美国最受欢迎的明星狗,出演过同名电视剧及数十部电影,还在好莱坞星光大道上烙下一印。
15) reiki 指压疗法,一种很受欢迎的按摩新形式。这种徒手疗法采用和针灸相同的穴位。
16) dysplasia [dis5pleiVE] n. [医]发育异常
17) paw-ty 这里原意是party,paw是“爪子”的意思,用来打趣狗狗们的盛会。
18) posh [pCF] a. [口]时髦的, 豪华的
19) an arm and a paw  昂贵的代价。在英语里,an arm and a leg用来表示代价昂贵,这里根据内文把leg改成了paw。
20) pamper [5pAmpE] v. 纵容,无微不至


由于不堪重负? 心力交瘁? 或者仅仅是想出来散散心放松自己?我们兴许会找到这样一家旅馆,它配备了最高级的服务:从水疗式按摩池到日式推拿,乃至豪华轿车接送服务,一应俱全。这是一个奢华的休养胜地。那地方如此高档,你不会被允许进入的——除非你用四肢爬进去,甚至可能不得不苦苦哀求。那是因为,宾夕法尼亚州斯多尔斯镇的“舒适旅馆宠物休养胜地”概不接待人,你相信吗?这个地方是专门给那些想远离人的宠物度假用的。

卡罗尔·波里尔-克罗夫特(老板): 这个宠物休养地的宗旨是:让宠物们高兴,使它们有机会经历新奇的冒险,玩些新鲜有趣的玩意。


玛格丽特(宠物主人): 它们就像我的孩子一样,不容置疑。

卡罗尔: 我们知道,我们的主顾都视宠物如自己的子女。


卡罗尔: 我们有指压疗法、日式推拿、瑞典式按摩以及运动按摩,情况不同,疗法各异,比如我们有针对臀部发育不良而做的护理,而运动按摩则是在狩猎季节过后进行。




