New Theories on Keeping Slim(在线收听

New Theories on Keeping Slim

Looking for my book, that’s what you do when you write a book. I can’t find mine; all I can find are 1)dirty novels, cookbooks and 2)diet books. Year after year cookbooks and diet books are the biggest sellers, how not to eat it once you’ve learned how to cook it. To sell a diet book you need some crazy idea of what to eat or not to eat. Here’s a peanut butter diet book, the ice cream diet book, the bikini diet, none of these books agrees on what you should or shouldn’t eat.

The Atkins Diet has been popular for years, Atkins made 3)nutritionists mad by saying you can eat just about all the fat you want, as long as you don’t eat many 4)carbohydrates, sugar and bread. I like Atkins because I cook with butter. The Scarsdale Diet was a popular fad for several years, it has a chart in here indicating what you ought to weigh. Says a woman five feet four ought to weigh between 110 and 123 pounds. If you’re a man five foot eight, 5)Doctor Tarnower said you should weigh between 137 and 153 pounds. Well I’m a man five foot eight, who weighs between 205 and 206 pounds, according to him I should be six feet six inches tall.

Doctor Phil has a new book out, looks good but I’d be afraid Doctor Phil’s diet might make me 6)bald. The 7)Pritikin Diet, everything is non-fat milk in these diets. That’s why kids aren’t drinking milk anymore: tastes like fat-free dishwater. They only have charts listing things you should eat, like half a piece of 8)celery or 4.5 grams of 9)applesauce. Is there anyone who knows what a gram of applesauce looks like?

This is the most popular book these days, The South Beach Diet Book. There are some surprises in here, it has a list of foods to avoid and one of them is apples. Maybe that’s because apples are bad for the doctor’s business, 10) ”an apple a day keeps a doctor without pay.”

You’ve all seen the diet ads at the back of bad magazines, before after, she took 11)Hydroxycut to lose weight. Before, midpoint, after, boy, she’s had that 12)bathing suit a long while. If I really wanted to lose weight though I know what I’d do, I’d cut my eyebrows.

1) dirty [5dE:ti] a. 下流的
2) diet [5daiEt] n. (适合某种疾病的)特种饮食
3) nutritionist [njU5triFEnist] n. 营养学家
4) carbohydrate [5kB:bEu5haidreit] n.  碳水化合物
5) Doctor Tarnower 是“斯卡斯代尔法”的创始人
6) bald [bC:ld] a. 秃头的。此处是作者的玩笑,因为费尔医生是秃顶
7) Pritikin Diet 由Nathan Pritikin 创始
8) celery [5selEri] n. 芹菜
9) applesauce [7Apl7sR:s] n. 苹果酱
10) 这句话是由一句古老的谚语改编而成,原句是”an apple a day keeps a doctor away” 劝人们多吃水果以保持身体健康
11) Hydroxycut [hai5drCksi7kEt] n. 燃脂丸,一种快速燃烧脂肪的药物
12) bathing suit 游泳衣


