Christina: Genie in a Bottle(在线收听

Christina: Genie in a Bottle

She started out a fresh-faced 1)cutie singing and dancing on “The Mickey Mouse Club”. Today she’s a sexy 2)siren who’s turned the music world upside down and so is her bank account. We’re talking a five-million-dollar home in the Hollywood Hills. A 3)lingerie drawer worth over ten 4)grand, luxurious hotel suites and a brand new $75,000 Range Rover to get her around town. You could argue, this 5)sassy 6)diva is living large and you’re about to see why it’s good to be Christina Aguilera.

Christina Maria Aguilera, diva, 7)vixen, chart-topper, born Thursday, December 18th, 1980 in 8)Staten Island, New York. A girl on the move from day one, says Entertainment Weekly’s Jessica Shaw. That made it tough to make friends. True. But Victoria Desilverio of Blender magazine says the future pop diva was 9)resilient even then, she just focused on her 10)budding singing career and her 11)plush fan club.

Singing got Christina through some very tough times, and then when she was only six her parents split up. So the mini diva moved with her mom and sister to Pennsylvania to live with their grandmother. Finally Christina had a stable loving home and the confidence to pursue her dreams. Guest practice paid off, because by 1991, 11-year-old Christina was 12)belting out the national 13)anthem at local sporting events. But her big break came one year later when she 14)aced an audition to join the cast of “The Mickey Mouse Club”. And by the time she 15)hung up her ears in 1994, Christina had pocketed about $78,000 enough of a financial cushion to return home and figure out her next career move.

That move came in 1998, her former boss needed a voice, Christina needed a 16)gig and the animated 17)flick Mulan brought Disney and the Diva together again. That’s huge, especially for a-16-year old. Hey a million ain’t bad for anybody at any age and she earned every penny of it. Absolutely, her self-titled debut album Christina Aguilera sold 250,000 copies in its first week of release, 18)solidifying the chart-topper as a musical heavyweight. 
Victoria (Senior Associate Editor of Blender): Within the year of the release of her debut she earned well over $15 million.

That was almost as satisfying as beating out favorite friendly rival Britney Spears for the Best New Artist award at the 2000 Grammy’s. Oh, do I hear a 19)cat fight?

Christina: Winning a Grammy was definitely an amazing thing for me.

Not only that but Lash Fary of Distinctive Assets says she got to take home a basket filled with thousands of dollars worth of free stuff. You got to love the 20)perks! Free gifts, a Grammy award and status as 21)bona fide pop diva at the ripe old age of 20. What’s left? Um try her next hit album in 2000, a tribute to her Latin roots Mi Reflejo, and a year of 22)back-to-back tours.

1) cutie [5kju:ti] n. 漂亮的女孩
2) siren [5saiErin] n. 歌声美妙的女歌手
3) lingerie [7lAnVE5ri:] n. 女内衣
4) grand [^rAnd] n. (非正式语)一千美元
5) sassy [5sAsi] a. 时髦的
6) diva [5di:vE] n. 歌剧中的首席女主角
7) vixen [5viksn] n. 泼妇
8) Staten Island 斯坦顿岛,又称瑞奇蒙(Richmond),纽约的一个行政区,位于曼哈顿西南。是纽约市人口最为稀少的恬静住宅区
9) resilient [ri5ziliEnt] a. 易从疾病、逆境等中恢复的
10) budding [5bQdiN] a. 初露头角的;发展中的
11) plush [plQF] a. 豪华的
12) belt out (俚语)声情并茂地演唱
13) anthem [5AnPEm] n. 圣歌,赞美诗
14) ace [eis] v. (美国俚语)在……中取得好成绩
15) hung up her ears: hung up是“挂起”的意思,例如足球运动员hung up his boots,意思即不再踢球了。这里的ears指米老鼠的两只圆耳朵,意思是克里斯蒂娜不再演出 “米老鼠俱乐部”的电视节目
16) gig [^i^] n. 演出,表演
17) flick [flik] n. (俚语)电影
18) solidify [sE5lidifai] v. 使团结,巩固
19) cat fight是指人们印象里的女人打架,其方式一般是抓头发、用指甲刮等等。这里是幽默用法,特指克里斯蒂娜和布兰妮在演艺事业中的竞争关系
20) perk [pE:k] n. =perquisite额外收入,外快
21) bona fide [5bEunE7faid] a. 真正的,真实的
22) back-to-back 连续;接二连三


    从最初在电视节目“米老鼠俱乐部”里表演歌舞的初出茅庐的甜美女孩,一跃而成为如今的性感歌后,她不仅将音乐圈闹了个天翻地覆,银行账户上的数额也一路飙升。在好莱坞山上她有一幢价值五百万美元的豪宅; 光是一件性感内衣就超过一万美元; 出门在外她住的是豪华酒店套房;还有一辆方便她出行的价值七万五千美元的全新“陆虎”座驾。你可能认为这个时尚前卫的女歌星太讲排场,不过你很快就会明白,能成为克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉是一件多么好的事情。




    不仅如此,“特色”精品店的拉什·费里还说,她得到了一大篮子价值数千美元的赠品。谁都会喜欢那些赠品!免费赠品、一座格莱美奖、正当二十岁芳华妙龄时就已成为名副其实的流行歌后,还有什么忘了说的?嗯,还有她2000年又一张风行一时的专辑,即向她自己的拉丁背景致意的《Mi Reflejo》;以及将持续一年的巡回演出。
