VOA双语新闻:12、世界杯足球赛将至 里约工薪阶层反映冷淡(在线收听


世界杯足球赛将至 里约工薪阶层反映冷淡

Football fever is building as Brazil prepares to launch the 2014 World Cup on Thursday, but celebrations in some areas are subdued compared to previous years.


The weekly “feira,” or street market, in Vila Isabel, a working class neighborhood near Maracana Stadium. Shoppers look for bargains, but they say prices keep going up.

维拉·伊莎贝拉(Vila Isabel)是在马拉卡纳球场旁的一个以蓝领阶层为主的社区。这里每周都会举办街市,也被称作“费拉”(feira)。人们来这里购买廉价的商品。但是近来,他们说物价正在不断增长。

This neighborhood was always known for its fierce football [soccer] fans, according to vegetable vendor Luiz Henrique.


“In the old days, there used to be a competition for the most decorated street, and this street [Jorge Rudge] won many times. There used to be so many people out on the street that you couldn’t even get through,” said Henrique. He said people cannot afford the decorations anymore.


Neglecting essentials

Retired schoolteacher Vera Lucia Gatti said many are angry with the government for spending billions of dollars on stadiums while hospitals and schools have been left to deteriorate.


“So I think the money should have been spread around, some for the Cup, a little for the schools, a little for the hospitals," she said. "This was the way to go, but it wasn’t done that way.”

“所以我觉得,钱的分配应该更均匀一点,在世界杯上投入一些 ,在学校和医院上也应该或多或少地投入一些。这才是一个合理的方法,可惜政府没有这么做。”

Some Brazilians have demonstrated against the World Cup and say they will boycott the games. Strikes by transit workers also threaten to disrupt the tournament that is expected to draw some 800,000 foreign visitors.


Corruption charges

Some hope the international attention will lead to change in Brazil. Henrique doubts this.


“You know, a country like this with so many corrupt people that you can’t trust anyone, where even the most honest person in politics is on the take, there is no law. So for me, there is no solution,” he said.


Gatti said Brazil’s leaders need to change.


“As far as the Cup goes, if Brazil wins, great. There’ll be happiness. I will be, too, of course," she said. "But if those who govern do not change and begin to spread the wealth around, nothing will be solved.”

“至于世界杯足球赛,如果巴西夺冠,那很好,人们会很开心,我当然也会。但是,如果那些执政者不能够有所改变、使财富分配更加公平,那么一切都还是老样子。 ”

Almost everyone here believes Brazil will win the championship. There is little hope, however, that this World Cup will bring anything more than temporary joy.

