Cheerleader Carnival(在线收听

Cheerleader Carnival

In Texas, cheerleading is serious business, and Dallas is at the center of it all. Cheerleading gyms are as common as shopping malls, and none is more feared than the cheerleading 1)powerhouse, Cheer Athletics, home to 15 all-star teams and a lot of 2)trophies. Each year, hundreds of kids try out for the 25 spots on each team, hoping for a chance to work with coaches like Gianni DeNegri, coach of the 3)Panthers. 

All-star cheerleading is not about high schools or 4)pom-poms. It’s not tied to a school at all. It’s a sport with its own rules and its own competitive world, in which all-star squads 5)face off against each other. In order to win, 25 girls must learn to look and move as one. 

Blair Teeter (World Cup): It’s hard getting prepared for a national championship. The hardest thing at this point is keeping everybody well – mentally and physically. 

All year, teams practice and perfect a two-and-a-half-minute routine 6)choreographed to bits and pieces of music strung together with sound effects. Although the focus in cheerleading is on athletics, it’s an unwritten rule that appearance counts. 

The Dallas Convention Center is 7)prepping for the arrival of ten thousand cheerleader moms. Cheerleading today is not only about the thrill of competition and the excitement of over-applying make-up, it’s equally about the other great American 8)pastime, spending money. By hosting these national championships, companies like the National Cheerleading Association have created a 9)frenzy for competition and a need for their more 10)lucrative goods and services – summer camps and 11)apparel. 

Friends and family of over 250 teams line up early to 12)stake their claim to the best seats in the arena. The convention center halls are jammed with anxious teams and 13)toddlers. Everywhere, skirts, colors, make-up, bows – it’s cheerleading 14)nirvana! But the glory won’t last for most.  More than half the teams never make it past preliminaries and spend finals day in the 15)stands. 

Even the most confident teams 16)hedge their bets in the doubt-inducing moments before they 17)hit the mat. The 18)credo in 19)preliminaries is, “Make it clean, save a little for finals, and don’t get hurt”. 

On top of third place, the Jersey team wins the special coach’s award for best 20)choreography. The Kentucky squad has pulled it together now to collect their fifth place trophy. For now, the Cheer Athletics’ Wildcats can 21)bask in the glow of a year well-spent. For the thousands of other hopefuls, there’s always next year.                                                             

1) powerhouse [5pauE7haus] n. 发电站;有影响力的人,组织或团体
2) trophy [5trEufi] n. 战利品
3) panther [5pAnWE] n. 豹,黑豹
4) pom-pom [5pCm 5pCm] n. 啦啦队员手中挥舞的彩球
5) face off (美)勇敢地面对,对抗
6) choreograph [5kC:riE^rB:f] v. 设计舞蹈动作 
7) prep [prep] v. 准备功课,预习
8) pastime [5pB:staim] n. 消遣,娱乐
9) frenzy [5frenzi] n. 极度的激动
10) lucrative [5lju:krEtiv] a. 有利的,赚钱的
11) apparel [E5pArEl] n. 衣服,服饰
12) stake [steik] v. 拥有、要求或保留对(土地)的所有权
13) toddler [5tCdlE] n. 初学走路的孩子
14) nirvana [nE:5vB:nE] n. 天堂  
15) stand [stAnd] n. 看台
16) hedge one’s bets [口语,比喻]努力使自己做到万无一失以避免可能的损失(尤指不把钱只投在一种生意上),这里指啦啦队员们在做祷告,以求比赛成功。
17) hit the mat (美国俚语)被打倒,源自拳击运动,在拳击比赛中,败方倒在地毯上起不来。
18) credo [5kri:dEu] n. 信条
19) preliminary [pri5liminEri] n. 初赛
20) choreography [7kC:ri5C^rEfi] n. 舞蹈术
21) bask [bB:sk] v. 晒太阳;处于某种适意情况中。这里指“野猫队”赢得锦标赛冠军。


在得克萨斯州,啦啦队竞赛是一桩正经大事,而达拉斯城正是这项活动的大本营。在这里,啦啦队训练中心就像购物商场一样普及,而其中最负盛名的就是“啦啦运动” 训练中心,它拥有15支全明星队,战绩赫赫。每年都有许多少年参加每队25名队员的选拔,希望有机会能拜在像吉阿尼·德尼格里这样的教练门下,吉阿尼执教于“豹”队。

带着第三名的殊荣,泽西队凭着最出色的动作设计赢得了特别教练奖。肯塔基州队竭尽全力终获第五名。现在,“啦啦运动” 训练中心的野猫队经过一年的苦练后,可以尽情地沉浸在胜利的喜悦中。而对于其他数千个潜力队员们,永远都有充满希望的下一年。
