Enigmatic Robot Era(在线收听

Enigmatic Robot Era

    Science fiction and science fact is getting narrower and narrower.
(scenes from “i, Robot”)
Robot: You are experiencing a car accident.
In i Robot, from Twentieth Century Fox, robots work together to solve complicated problems.
(scenes from “i, Robot”)
Detective Del Spooner: Get off my car!
    It may be science fiction in Hollywood, but at 1)SRI International in Menlo Park, California, one of the nation’s leading artificial intelligence labs, it’s not too far from reality.
Ray Perrault (SRI International): For a very long time, the only way that robotics was done was to build a single robot. And now, we can build robots cheaply enough that we can look at problems in which many robots 2)collaborate on a particular task.
(scenes from “i, Robot”)
Robot: Is everything alright, ma’am?
    It may be a long time before there’s a robot assistant in every home, but sophisticated robotic technology is already in use in industries from manufacturing to medicine. 3)Cardiac surgeons at New York’s St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital use an 4)FDA-approved robot to repair heart 5)valves and blocked 6)arteries. 
Dr. Joe De Rose (St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital): The robot allows us a computer 7)interface, three 8)dimensional vision, and eliminates 9)tremor, so the operations are done much, much more accurately. 
    Robots are also heading to the farm. Researchers at the University of Illinois are working on an “Agrobot” that can 10)patrol for weeds and pests, as well as test soil samples. The military is currently deploying all kinds of robots, from unmanned 11)drones in the air, like the Global Hawk and Predator, to 12)reconnaissance units on the ground, like the PackBot. iRobot, the company behind the PackBot, also makes the Roomba Robotic Vacuum Cleaner for the consumer market.
Helen Greiner (iRobert Chairman): Basically, you turn them on. They do the sweeping and vacuuming entirely on their own, and when you get home, you know that the job’s done.
(scenes from “Lost in Space”)
Robot: My memory banks contain much knowledge.
    After fantasizing about robots in space, we’re now sending them there, as well as other places too dangerous or too 13)inaccessible for humans.
Dr. Joe De Rose: Some day we may have a robot that you could swallow into your mouth and drive it through the stomach into the 14)abdomen, and do the surgery, and then pull the robot back through the stomach and out the mouth, and that would truly be surgery without 15)incisions. 
    In the real world, robots are already capable of some amazing things. But the robots produced by Hollywood face perhaps the biggest challenge, drawing an audience, which is something we humans have a hard time doing consistently. 

1) SRI International: 国际斯坦福研究所(Standford Research Institute International),国际著名的经济和科技综合咨询研究机构。创建于1946年,原为美国斯坦福大学所属的研究机构,1970年改组为国际咨询研究机构。总部设在加利福尼亚州旧金山市。
2) collaborate [kE5lAbEreit] v. 合作,通敌
3) cardiac [5kB:diAk] a. 心脏的
4) FDA: Food and Drug Administration,美国食品及药物管理局
5) valve [vAlv] n. (心脏)瓣膜
6) artery [5B:tEri] n. 动脉 
7) interface [5intE7feis] n. 界面
8) dimensional [di5menFEnEl] a. 空间的
9) tremor [5tremE] n. 震动,颤动
10) patrol [pE5trEul] v. 巡逻
11) drone [drEun] n. 遥控的机械装置,如无人驾驶飞机
12) reconnaissance [ri5kCnisEns] n. 侦察,勘测
13) inaccessible [7inAk5sesEbl] a. 达不到的,难以接近
14) abdomen [5AbdEmEn] n. 腹部
15) incisions [in5siVEn] n. 切口,切割


机器人: 我的记忆储存器里储存了很多知识。
