My Life(在线收听

My Life

On Wednesday, July 24, we went to the White House to meet the President in the Rose Garden. President Kennedy walked out of the Oval Office into the bright sunshine and made some brief remarks, 1)complimenting our work, especially our support for civil rights, and giving us higher marks than the governors, who have not been so forward-leaning in their annual summer meeting. After accepting a 2)Boys Nation T-shirt, Kennedy walked down the steps and began shaking hands. I was in the front, and being a bigger and bigger supporter of the President's than most of the others, I make sure I'd get to shake his hand even if he shook only two or three. It was an amazing moment for me, meeting the President whom I had supported in my ninth-grade class debates, and about whom I felt even more strongly after his two and a half years in office. A friend took a photo for me, and later we found film 3)footage of the handshake in the Kennedy Library.

Much has been made of that brief 4)encounter and its impact on my life. My mother said she knew when I came home that I was determined to go into politics, and after I became the Democratic nominee in 1992, the film was widely pointed to as the beginning of my presidential aspirations. I'm not sure about that. I have a copy of the speech I gave to the 5)American Legion in Hot Spring after I came to home, and in it I didn't make too much of the handshake. I thought at the time I wanted to become a senator, but deep down I probably felt as Abraham Lincoln did when he wrote as a young man, “I will study and get ready, and perhaps my chance will come.”

One other memorable event happened to me in the summer of 1963. On August 28, nine days after I turned seventeen, I sat alone in a big white 6)reclining chair in our den and watched the greatest speech of my lifetime, as Martin Luther King Jr. stood in front of the Lincoln Memorial and spoke of his dream for America. In 7)rhythmic 8)cadences 9)reminiscent of old Negro 10)spirituals, his voice at once 11)booming and shaking, he told a vast 12)throng before him, and millions like me 13)transfixed before television sets, of his dream that “one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood,” and that “my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

I started crying during the speech and wept for a good while after Dr. King finished. He had said everything I believed, far better than I ever could. More than anything I ever experienced, except perhaps the power of my grandfather's example, that speech steeled my determination to do whatever I could for the rest of my life to make Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream come true.

1) compliment [5kCmplimEnt] v. 称赞,褒扬
2) Boys Nation 少年国家,美国军团(American Legion)设立的一个年度公民培训计划,成员由高中男生组成,计划为期一星期,组织成员会与国会成员、政府官员和总统会面。
3) footage [5futidV] n. 电影胶片
4) encounter [in5kauntE] n. 相遇,见面
5) American Legion 美国军团,又称美国退伍军人协会,是美国最大的退伍军人组织
6) reclining chair n. 活动靠背扶手椅,躺椅
7) rhythmic [5riTmik] a. 节奏的,合拍的
8) cadence [5keidEns] n. (声音的)抑扬顿挫,节奏
9) reminiscent of 发人回想的,发人联想的
10) spiritual [5spiritjuEl] n. (美国南部黑人的)圣歌
11) booming [5bu:miN] a. (声音等)低沉有回响的,隆隆作响的
12) throng [WrCN] n. 群集
13) transfix [trAns5fiks] v. 使固定,使呆住


