Optimists Blessed with Better Health(在线收听

Optimists Blessed with Better Health


Trying to answer “why?”


It could be that a propensity for pessimism, anxiety and these brain diseases share a common risk factor—a gene or some quirk of brain chemistry.


Another possibility, Rocca says, is that a pessimistic outlook leads to more anxiety, which can disrupt levels of stress-related hormones, or knock the body’s endocrine or nervous systems out of whack. Then, theoretically at least, this could trigger some cascade of events that damages the brain and leads to Parkinson’s or dementia.


It’s premature to start testing whether anti-anxiety drugs could prevent these diseases, Rocca says. But it’s easy to imagine why a pessimist might suffer more from stress than an optimist.


Pessimists’ double whammy of anxiety


First, pessimists often interpret events as more stressful. Say a friend is late for a dinner date. An optimist might think: Oh good, I’ve got a moment to catch my breath. But a pessimist might fret: Did she forget? Was she in an accident? Does she think my time isn’t as valuable as hers?


Second, when faced with stress, pessimists often don’t cope as well.


Optimists have a curious habit of seeing stresses as challenges and forging ahead. Pessimists obsess or give up, so daily stresses build up. Chronic stress is rough on the body. It weakens the immune system and contributes to higher blood pressure, migraines, sleep deprivation, stomach problems and even skin breakouts.


Self-help books have pushed the “power of positive thinking” for decades. However, a growing area of research suggests the connection between attitude and health has more to do with the ravages of stress than the triumph of happy thoughts. That means, whether you are a pessimist or an optimist, learning to cope with anxiety constructively may be more important – or at last more helpful – than simply trying to look on the bright side.

Vocabulary Focus

propensity (n) [prE5pensiti] a tendency towards a particular way of behaving, especially a bad one

out of whack (idiom) not operating correctly or looking right

interpret (v) [in5tE:prit] to decide what the intended meaning of something is


Specialized Terms

endocrine (adj.) 内分泌(腺)的 relating to the organs of the body, such as the pituitary gland or the ovaries, which produce and release hormones into the blood to be carried around the body













