VOA慢速英语2014 加州消防员为火灾季做准备(在线收听


AS IT IS 2014-06-19 California Firefighters Ready for Severe Fire Season 加州消防员为火灾季做准备

Record high temperatures in May led to serious wildfires near San Diego, months before the fire season is usually under way.


This followed nearly three years of drought and the driest year on record in 2013.


The drought left the brush tinder-dry, said Captain Richard Cordova, a spokesman for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, known as CAL FIRE.

加州林业和消防部门发言人Richard Cordov上尉说,旱灾导致灌木丛随时都会发生火灾。

“When we have higher temperatures, lower humidity and you throw winds in there, it is just a recipe for extreme fire danger," he said.


"And when we see all those three elements come together, CAL FIRE reacts and starts moving equipment around.”


At the firefighter air base in the city of Hemet, a CAL FIRE air tactical unit trains to stay prepared.


Helicopters take crews to the scene of wildfires and tankers drop flame retardant from the air.


Mike Venable, a contract pilot from the company DynCorp International, flies an air tanker for CAL FIRE, sometimes dousing minor fires on local grasslands.

戴恩国际公司签约飞行员Mike Venable为加州消防局驾驶一架灭火飞机,他有时负责熄灭当地草原上的小火灾。

“Everything from that to the challenging 12,000 or 14,000-foot peaks, maybe up in the high Sierras or in the forests that surround our base here, so it is a very big variety of flying.


Some can be very dangerous, some not so dangerous,” said Venable.


Pilots and firefighters keep their bags packed and aircraft ready.


Daily weather briefings alert them to potential hot spots. Careful tracking of fuel load and weather forecasts help with flight planning.


Battalion Chief Travis Alexander said aircraft are stationed throughout California and can reach a fire in minutes, and are there to back up ground crews.


“Because the aircraft in this agency is just one of many tools.


We have the hand crews, the bulldozers, engine companies, a variety of other assets," he said. "The air program comes in as a support function.”


At a nearby fire station, crews sort axes, shovels and other field tools, staying ready to fight both urban and wildland blazes.


Air and ground crews work to keep the fires away from homes and other buildings, said Venable.


“If you are able to help somebody on the ground, save a house, keep a firefighter out of a hazardous situation, that is rewarding,”he said.


It is a continuing effort to stay ahead of the fires.


State officials say they have hired 300 new firefighters in addition to thousands of staff throught California,and their job this year is likely to be a tough one.

