A Formula for Writing Success(在线收听

A Formula for Writing Success




One day when I was checking out books at the library, the librarian asked about my book choices. When I told her I was doing research for a magazine article, she told me she had once sent a magazine an idea for an article. “They rejected me, so I gave up.” That’s the difference between want-to-be writers and successful writers. Want-to-be writers admit defeat easily. Successful writers never give up, no matter what the obstacles.


Just make sure you don’t become pesky. Avoid calling editors unless you’re asked to do so. And don’t swamp editors with any old idea just to get your name in front of them. Research your ideas. When an editor says no, have another idea ready to go. As they say, if at first you don’t succeed, write again.




Success isn’t possible without at least a little talent. But you don’t have to be a born word aficionado to make it as a writer. Just write. The more you write, the better you’ll write.


Even if you can only find five minutes for writing, schedule that time into your day and don’t let interruptions coax you away. If your skills require more honing, take a class or read books about writing. Then read writing that interests you, and learn from successful writers. Who knows? Maybe someday, aspiring writers will read your work.


Vocabulary Focus

pesky (adj) [5peski] annoying or causing trouble

coax (v) [kEuks] to persuade someone gently to do something or go somewhere

aspiring (adj) [Es5paiEriN] making great effort to become successful


Specialized Term

aficionado (n) 狂热者 someone who is very interested in and enthusiastic about something










