New Hope for Children of Alzheimer’s Sufferers(在线收听

New Hope for Children of Alzheimer’s Sufferers


By John Fauber/

©2005, Milwaukee journal Sentinel,

Knight Ridder Newspaper. Distributed by

Tribune Media Services International



Middle-aged sons and daughters of people with Alzheimer’s disease may be able to reduce their risk of getting the disorder. Lifestyle measures such as exercise, avoiding gum disease, and drinking fruit and vegetable juice can help, according to new research.


Taken as a whole, the research suggests that even though family history may predispose a person to developing Alzheimer’s, various behaviors—if started early enough in life—may help preserve cognitive function and delay the onset of the disease.


“The best time to intervene is at birth,” said Mark Sager, professor of medicine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and director of the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute. “What we are hoping is that 55 is not too late.”


A possible surge in Alzheimer’s cases


The lifestyle measures, many of which are also good for the heart, were presented in several studies at the first International Conference on the Prevention of Dementia, sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association in Washington, D.C. last June. The findings come amid growing concern about a looming surge in Alzheimer’s cases as America’s population ages. Already, nearly 5 million people have the disease and with the vanguard of the baby boom generation turning 60 this year, the number of cases is expected to increase 70 percent by 2020.


Sager presented findings from the ongoing Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer’s Prevention, a study of nearly 500 middle-aged children of Wisconsin residents who had Alzheimer’s disease. The children, who now have an average age of 53, have been followed for five years. So far, exercisers have performed better on various cognitive tests than sedentary members of the study. “It suggests that exercise may be protective,” said Sager.



Vocabulary Focus

onset (n) [5Cnset] the moment at which something unpleasant begins

surge (n) [sE:dV] a sudden and great increase

looming (adj) [5lu:miN] happening soon and causing worry

sedentary (adj) [5sedEntEri] involving little exercise or physical activity


Specialized Terms

predispose (v) 使易于罹患(疾病)to make someone more likely to suffer from a particular illness or condition

registry (n) 登记处;登记报告 a place where official records are kept



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