You and Your Coworker: When You Disagree… Negotiate(在线收听

You and Your Coworker: When You Disagree…  Negotiate



Negotiate with the right person. Nothing is more frustrating than approaching an individual to help you solve a problem, only to discover that he can’t. Figure out who can help you meet your needs, and then decide how best to approach that individual.


Ask questions. In the course of a typical negotiation, your coworker will say things you disagree with. He might even make an ultimatum or two. Don’t respond in kind. Probe his position by asking open-ended questions and posing hypothetical scenarios. You’ll likely discover additional negotiating room as a result.


Let the other person make the first offer. Whenever possible, let the other person suggest an offer, a solution or a resolution before you suggest anything. The individual who makes the first offer in a negotiation often sets the baseline for further discussion. They also lose some strategic advantage once the discussion begins.


Know your strengths but don’t let on. Don’t let your coworker know fully what you can offer in the negotiation until the discussion progresses further. Save your best negotiating points and concessions for later.


Don’t be afraid to give in, but do it point by point. A good rule of thumb: make a concession only when your coworker makes a concession.


Think of negotiating as selling. Imagine you’re a salesperson who must convince your customer of the merits of your product. A “sales mindset” will help you maintain a positive and persuasive attitude.


Note the other’s objections. When you hear an objection to your argument, let your coworker know how the objection can be overcome.


Vocabulary Focus

in kind (idiom) in the same way

let on (idiom) to reveal or make something known that was previously unknown

Specialized Terms

ultimatum (n) 最后通牒 a demand that a person or group do something to avoid something unpleasant

baseline (n) 底线 an imaginary line used as a starting point for making comparisons

concession (n) 让步,退让 something that is allowed or given up, often in order to end a disagreement, or the act of allowing or giving this













