Magnetism and the Brain(在线收听

Magnetism and the Brain


By Craig Wilson

© 2004 USA TODAY International.

Distributed by Tribune Media Services International


The power of a magnet may offer hope for those suffering from mental illness



It began as just another research project, in this case to examine the effects of various drugs on patients with a severe mood disorder. Using an advanced brain scanning technology called EP-MRSI, researchers at Boston’s McLean Hospital scanned the medicated and unmedicated brains of 30 people with bipolar disorder. Their goal was to detect possible new treatments for the more than 2 million American adults who suffer from the disease.


But something unexpected happened. A patient who had been so depressed she could barely speak became cheerful after the 45-minute brain scan. Then a second patient, who seemed incapable of even a smile, emerged actually telling jokes. Then another and another. Was this some bizarre coincidence?


A different approach

Aimee Parow, the technician who made these observations, didn’t think so. She mentioned the patients’ striking mood shifts to her boss, and together they completely refocused the study: to see if the electromagnetic fields might actually have a curative effect on debilitating melancholy.


As it turns out, they did. As reported in the American Journal of Psychiatry, 23 of the 30 people who were part of the study reported feeling significantly less depressed after the scan. The most dramatic improvements were among those who were taking no medication. The researchers are cautious. Says Bruce Cohen, McLean Hospital’s president and psychiatrist-in-chief: “We are not saying this is the answer . . . but this is a completely different approach in trying to help the brain than anything that was done before.”


Vocabulary Focus

bizarre (adj) [bi5zB:] very strange and unusual

curative (adj) [5kjuErEtiv] able to cure or cause to get better

debilitating (adj) [di5biliteitiN] physically weakening


Specialized Terms

mood disorder (n phr) 情感性疾病 a condition where someone’s emotions and/or thoughts are distorted or not appropriate for the current circumstances

bipolar disorder (n phr) 躁烦症 a mental illness in which someone alternates from being extremely happy and excited to being extremely sad; also known as manic depression

electromagnetic (adj) 电磁(体)的 having magnetic and electrical parts

melancholy (n) 抑郁,通常持久而无明显原因 a sadness that lasts for a long period of time, often without any obvious reason





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