彭蒙惠英语:Tchaikovsky: The Life of a Musical Genius(在线收听

Tchaikovsky: The Life of a Musical Genius


By Melissa Burdick Harmon /

This article was published originally in Biography

Magazine. © 2003. A&E Television Networks. All rights reserved


Over 100 years later, this brilliant musician’s death is still shrouded in mystery



Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, a superstar in an era rich with great composers, lay dying. Tchaikovsky, known for his lush ballets and operas, deeply harmonious symphonies and piano concertos, and vivid choral and chamber music, appeared to have contracted cholera. His physician placed him in a red-hot bath, a drastic last attempt to get his failing kidneys to function. The treatment failed. Tchaikovsky, 53, slipped into a coma. His pulse faded.


He died on November 6, 1893. From that day, a debate has raged about the cause of his death. Some agree it was cholera. Others insist it was suicide. Still others believe it was murder. Despite research by dozens of scholars, the answer remains a mystery.


Early years

The man who would brighten Christmases to come with the lively Nutcracker, touch hearts with the moving Pathétique Symphony, and produce countless staples of the concert and opera stages, was born on May 7, 1840, in Kamsko-Votkinsk, Russia. Even as a toddler, young Peter showed a striking ability to remember complex melodies.


By age 6, he was fluent in Russian, French and German. At age 12, he began studying at St. Petersburg’s School of Jurisprudence, preparing for a secure life as a civil servant. He was bored, but brilliant enough to move easily through his coursework.


On a rare visit, his mother took him to see the opera, A Life for the Tsar. It affected the teenager so powerfully that strains from the opera turned up in his own work years later. This experience showed him very clearly the path he was meant to pursue.


Vocabulary Focus

shroud (v) [Fraud] to hide something by covering or surrounding it

lush (adj) [lQF] very pleasing to the senses; luxurious or extravagant

contract (v) [5kCntrAkt] to catch or become ill with a disease

staple (n) [5steipl] something that is basic, main, standard or regular


Specialized Terms

symphony (n) 交响乐,交响曲 a long piece of music for an orchestra, usually with four parts

concerto (n) 协奏曲 a long piece of music for one or more main solo instruments and an orchestra

chamber music (n phr) 室内乐 classical music written for a small group of musicians

cholera (n) 霍乱 a serious infection of the bowels caused by drinking infected water or eating infected food, causing diarrhea, vomiting and often death

jurisprudence (n) 法学,法律学 the study of law and the principles on which law is based

strain (n) 乐曲,旋律,诗歌 a series of musical notes that create a distinct melody or tune





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