彭蒙惠英语:Accountability: The Discipline System in Practic(在线收听

Accountability: The Discipline System in Practice


By Kerry Weisner / Reprinted with permission.

Adapted from the article originally published in

Phi Delta Kappan magazine.


Last month in Advanced, Dr. Marvin Marshall detailed the theories behind his discipline system called the “Raise Responsibility System.” This month, in Part 2 of the original article, “Using a Discipline System to Promote Learning,” elementary schoolteacher Kerry Weisner shows how this system can be applied in the classroom.



Moment by moment, choice by choice, we each create a life, the quality of which depends largely upon the choices we make. With awareness, we can consciously choose to make decisions that will lead to positive results. The Raise Responsibility System gives young people, even young children, the awareness they need in order to look at their choices and plan future behavior.


Phase 1: Teach the Hierarchy

The foundation of the Raise Responsibility System is the hierarchy of social development. Classroom behaviors can be assigned to different levels of the hierarchy. I chose behaviors appropriate to the elementary grade I was teaching and displayed them on a chart.


Using the familiar situation of a piece of trash lying on the classroom floor, I introduced the concepts underlying the hierarchy. I described the type of behavior that would be indicative of each successive level of social development.


At the lowest level of behavior, Level A, a student might pick up the trash and throw it at someone. A student operating on Level B also would not feel compelled to pick up the trash but instead might kick it around the room. At an acceptable Level C, a student would pick up the trash at the request of the teacher. At level D, a student would take the initiative to pick up the trash and deposit it in the trash can without being asked—whether or not anyone was watching.


Important points for students to understand

Levels A and B behaviors are always unacceptable. The use of authority by the teacher is required at both levels. Level C behavior is acceptable, but the motivation is external—to gain approval or avoid punishment. Level D is the goal, where the motivation is internal—taking initiative to do the right, appropriate or responsible thing.


I was astonished how quickly my young students grasped these concepts and were able to generate novel examples of their own. With understanding in place, I was ready to implement the second phase of the program: reflective questioning.



Vocabulary Focus

accountability (n) [E7kauntE5biliti] the state of being completely responsible for what one does

indicative (adj) [in5dikEtiv] being or relating to a sign that something exists, is true or is likely to happen

take the initiative (v phr) to do or use a new action, especially to act on one’s own

novel (adj) [5nCvEl] new and original, not like anything seen before




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