彭蒙惠英语:Spreading the World… Silbo Style(在线收听

Spreading the World… Silbo Style



A simple language legacy

After wishing Mendoza farewell I head for the tourism office to pick up a few maps. My stop not only yields directions, but more insight into Silbo’s culture and legacy from the tourism office director.


“People used the whistle in reference to the local life, the traditions or the customs,” explains Idilio Crujillo. “I don’t think anybody can whistle a long conversation about medicine. They don’t know this vocabulary because it is scientific and difficult. They whistle simple things.” Though Silbo is no longer the lifeline it once was, it continues to touch the lives of the island’s 19,000 residents. “Here all people whistle, more or less, not like a professional, but they can recognize names and some words or a message.”


Messages across the mountains

As I drive the long and tortuously winding roads past the island’s distinctive steep-walled gorges, peering down on villages nestled thousands of feet below, I’m immediately convinced why Silbo is an essential means of communication. My chance to try my hand at Silbo comes at a mountain viewpoint stop. To my surprise I eke out a small sound. On this island of whistlers it’s definitely a step in the right direction.


This afternoon I’m heading off the beaten path to the mountain village of El Cercado, home of La Gomera’s ancient pottery-making tradition. Entering one of the rural ceramic shops I watch artisan Maria Del Mar pound and shape her clay, and meet her 9-year-old son Aday, who is learning Silbo.


“The teacher just tells us how it is done and then we copy what he is whistling,” says Aday, explaining that there is no written material. “Sometimes I call my cousin who lives just beside the mountain to ask him to play with me, but if he’s in the house it won’t work,” he says. Being out of range is an age-old problem that affects the best communication networks, even high-tech gadgets like the mobile phone, Silbo’s nemesis.


It’s late evening when I return to my hotel in San Sebastian. When the hotel receptionist hands me my room key, on a whim I ask if she knows Silbo. She answers by putting two fingers in her mouth and sending out a sharp whistle loud enough to wake the guests. “If you really want to hear a whistle, ask my colleague Cornelio in the morning,” she says.


I think I’ll wait till afternoon before asking for another demonstration.



Vocabulary Focus

lifeline (n) [5laif7lain] something on which one depends to survive or to continue doing something, often providing a necessary connection or way of getting help

try one’s hand at (idiom) to try doing something for the first time

off the beaten path (idiom) in a place where few people go, far from any main roads and towns (also “off the beaten track”)

nemesis (n) [ni5misis] a person or thing that is very difficult for one to defeat

whim (n) [(h)wim] a sudden desire or idea, especially one that cannot be reasonably explained


Specialized Terms

artisan (n) 工匠 a person who does skilled work with his or her hands














