彭蒙惠英语:Queen Elizabeth I(在线收听

Queen Elizabeth I



The perilous path to the throne

Ultimately, Protestant factions tried to incite a revolution, entering London, where they were defeated and sent to their deaths. Lady Elizabeth was shipped off to the Tower of London, although charged with no crime. She anticipated execution, yet her sister simply had her put under house arrest.


As her reign progressed and her health deteriorated, Queen Mary became increasingly fixated on her Catholic faith and, as a result, took to burning Protestants at the stake. In 1558, Mary died without an heir.


Elizabeth takes the throne

Upon hearing that she was queen, Elizabeth wanted to get to work immediately. Everyone else wanted her to marry immediately. If Elizabeth failed to produce an heir, then her cousin Mary Queen of Scots, also Catholic, would inherit the throne. This needed to be prevented at all costs.


Her sister’s widower, now King Philip II of Spain, was the first to offer marriage, but he was far from the last. Through the course of her reign, negotiations were conducted with Erik of Sweden and the Hapsburg Archduke Charles. At 38, she even toyed with the possibility of marriage to the 17-year-old French Duke of Alençon, but ultimately, the Queen decided no.


Dodging danger

The religious turmoil of the times shaped the Queen’s life. Elizabeth was a religious Protestant who regarded convoluted discussions of dogma as beside the point. “There is only one Jesus Christ. The rest is a dispute over trifles,” she insisted. Unlike her relatives, she was free of any zealotry. When it came to religion, her wish was simply to keep stability in her land.


The same could not be said of Mary Queen of Scots, who appears to have schemed to become England’s Catholic queen throughout her life.


Vocabulary Focus

faction (n) [5fAkFEn] a small group of people who are part of a larger group, and oppose the ideas of everyone else

fixate (v) [5fikseit] to obsess or be totally preoccupied by someone or something

convoluted (adj) [5kCnvElju:tid] extremely complicated and difficult to understand

beside the point (idiom) not important or not related to the subject being discussed


Specialized Terms

house arrest (n phr) 软禁(在家) when one is kept as a prisoner in one’s own home

burn at the stake (v phr) 绑在木架上烧死;火刑 to kill someone by tying them to a post and burning them

dogma (n) 教义,教条 a fixed belief or set of beliefs that people are expected to accept without any doubts

zealotry (n) 狂热 an attitude that one’s opinions about something are right and everyone else should believe in the same way

















