彭蒙惠英语:When the Blues won’t Go Away(在线收听

When the Blues won’t Go Away



An interview with Biography magazine

Biography: What was the hardest part about handling your own chronic discontent?


Downs: What brought me to the brink was realizing what I had done to so many personal relationships in my life. This was coupled with the obligation I felt as a psychologist to have known better. It was a double whammy.



Biography: What are some symptoms to look for?


Downs: For one, there’s constant disappointment, and also feelings of helplessness, lack of motivation and passion.


Biography: We all get irritable from time to time, and complain about our jobs or want a new house or new car. How can you tell the difference?


Downs: Chronic discontent is an ongoing trend. You can’t find anything that makes you happy for any length of time. That’s different from going through a bad patch for a couple of days, which all of us do. However, the person with chronic discontent never wakes up from that bad patch.


Biography: So what makes someone suddenly realize she has the condition?


Downs: When something hits us—a relationship falls apart, we lose our job—and it throws us into depression. That’s often the wake-up call.


An effective tool

Biography: In your book, you recommend five weeks of journal writing as a way of lifting chronic discontent. Why?


Downs: Journaling has a hidden power that we don’t realize until we do it. Sometimes what you feel doesn’t hit you until you see your thoughts on paper. Think of journaling as a backdoor approach to becoming more familiar with feelings you haven’t allowed yourself to express.


Biography: How does someone get started?


Downs: List the relationships that mean the most to you. Then focus on one relationship a day in your journal. Write what you really feel about that person, looking for a balance between the positive and negative. If you can’t find it, you need to write why that is.


Vocabulary Focus

brink (n) [briNk] the point where a new or different situation is about to begin; the edge

wake-up call (idiom) something that makes one realize he or she needs to take action to change a situation

backdoor (adj) [7bAk5dR:(r)] relating to something that comes from an indirect, sometimes secret approach


Specialized Terms

double whammy (n phr) 祸不单行 a situation when two unpleasant things happen at almost the same time (informal)
























