彭蒙惠英语:Marriage, Not Children, Is a Family’s Center(在线收听

Marriage, Not Children, Is a Family’s Center



The husband-wife relationship should always trump that of parent and child. Nothing makes a child feel more insecure than the feeling that his parents’ relationship is shaky, that it might come undone at any moment. Conversely, nothing makes a child feel more secure than knowing his parents’ relationship, while not perfect, is strong enough to endure any hardship or disagreement.


Children grow up to leave home

The primacy of the husband-wife relationship permits a child to begin preparing for his future life. The fact that he is not vital to his parents’ well-being—that Mom and Dad’s well-being is contained within their marriage relationship—gives him full, unfettered permission to leave and venture out into a life of his own. A child’s leaving home should be cause for celebration—exciting and full of promise.


When the parent-child relationship is foremost, however, separation is difficult. Sometimes, the child is able to leave physically, but not emotionally. At other times, the leaving is like a painful “divorce,” and it is difficult for any of the parties involved to ever fully recover.


The greatest gift parents can give an adult child is not a new car or condominium, but the security of knowing that he can always come home again—not to live, but to visit. The family’s center is intact in Dad and Mom’s marriage.


Sometimes, our adult children tell my wife and me how “lucky” they are to know that we will always be together. It’s actually a slip of the tongue, because they know that luck has nothing to do with it. It is simply a matter of keeping the natural order of things in their natural order.



trump (v) [trQmp] to be more important than; to beat someone or something by doing or producing something better

condominium (n) [7kCndE5miniEm] an apartment in a building in which each apartment is owned separately by the people living in it, but also containing shared areas

slip of the tongue (idiom) when someone says something he or she did not intend to say












