彭蒙惠英语:New Hope for Spinal Cord Injuries(在线收听

New Hope for Spinal Cord Injuries


By Patricia Anstett / © 2005,

Detroit Free Press, Knight Ridder

Newspapers. Distributed by

Tribune Media Services.


A world of patients with spinal cord injuries is watching Erica Nader. Her recovery may someday be theirs, too.



Nader, 26, of Michigan, was the first American to travel to Portugal, in March 2003, for experimental surgery for a spinal cord injury. She was injured in July 2001 in an auto accident and paralyzed from the top of her arms down.


Nader and her father, Fred, spent months checking out the Portuguese procedure before she underwent the five-hour surgery. In the procedure, which is performed nowhere else in the world, a team of doctors opened Nader’s spinal cord to clear out any scar tissue or debris at the site of the injury. Then, using a long tube, they took a sample of olfactory mucosal cells from the ridge inside her nose, the same cells that provide the sense of smell. These cells are among the body’s richest supply of adult stem cells and are capable of becoming any type of cell depending on where they are implanted. In this case, these adult stem cells were to take on the job of neurons, or nerve cells, once implanted in the spinal cord at the site of an injury.


The result

After three years, MRIs show that the cells promote the development of new blood cells and synapses, says Dr. Carlos Lima, chief of the Portuguese team. Because the cells are most plentiful in younger people, the team limits the surgery to people no older than 35, six months to six years after a spinal cord injury.


Dr. Pratas Vital, one of two neurosurgeons on the team, calls the transplanted cells spinal cord autografts, a term that indicates the cells come from a person’s own body, not fetal or embryonic stem cells used in experimental procedures elsewhere.


Vocabulary Focus

world (n) [wE:ld] a large amount; a group of people or things that are related

paralyze (v) [5pArElaiz] to cause a person, animal or part of the body to lose the ability to move or feel

check out (idiom) to examine something or get more information about it

take on (idiom) to begin to have a particular quality


Specialized Terms

mucosal (adj) 黏膜的 relating to the mucous membrane, the thin skin that covers the inner surface of parts of the body such as the nose and mouth and produces mucus to protect them

MRI [magnetic resonance imaging] (n) 磁共振成像 a system for producing electronic pictures of the organs inside a person’s body, using radio waves and a strong magnetic field

synapse (n) 突触 the point at which electrical signals move from one nerve cell to another

embryonic (adj) 胚胎的 relating to a baby that is still in the developmental stages within the womb, especially before it has reached a recognizable form














