听歌学英语:我们都会错 Anyone Of Us(在线收听


I've been letting you down, down
Girl I know I've been such a fool
Giving in to temptation
When I should've played it cool
The situation got out of hand
I hope you understand

It can happen to
Anyone of us, anyone you think of
Anyone can fall
Anyone can hurt someone they love
Hearts will break
Cause I made a stupid mistake
It can happen to
Anyone of us, say you will forgive me
Anyone can fail
Say you will believe me
I can't take my heart will break
Cause I made a stupid mistake
A stupid mistake

She was kind of exciting
A little crazy I should've known
She must have altered my senses
Cause I offered to walk her home
The situation got out of hand
I hope you understand

A stupid mistake
She means nothing to me
(nothing to me)
I swear every word is true
Don't wanna lose you

The situation got out of hand
I hope you understand

A stupid mistake
she means nothing to me
(nothing to me)
I swear every word is true
don't wanna lose you

give in to sb/sth:屈服;认输;让步
Giving in to temptation.一时的情不自禁/一时没有禁受住诱惑;
The rebels were forced to give in.叛乱分子被迫投降了。
The authorities have shown no signs of giving in to the kidnappers'demands.当局对绑架者的要求没有丝毫让步的迹象。

Giving in to temptation.没有禁受住诱惑;I couldn't resist the temptation to open the letter.我忍不住好奇心把信打开了;An expensive bike is a temptation to thieves.高档自行车对小偷来说是种诱惑。
It's tempting to speculate about what might have happened.大家忍不住猜测,到底发生了什么事情。That cake looks very tempting.那蛋糕的样子让人嘴馋。

out of hand:难以控制;不假思索
The situation got out of hand.情况失控了;Unemployment is getting out of hand.失业问题越来越难控制;All our suggestions were dismissed out of hand.我们的建议均遭到了拒绝。
out of one's hands:不再是某人的责任
I'm afraid the matter is now out of my hands.恐怕这件事现在已不归我管了。
hand sth to sb on a plate:把某事物拱手送给某人
Nobody's going to hand you success on a plate.没有人会把成功白白送给你。

She must have altered my senses.一定是她影响了我的判断力。He had altered so much I scarcely recognized him.他变得我几乎认不出来了;Nothing can alter the fact that we are to blame.什么也改变不了我们要受指责这个事实。
major/minor alternations.大/小改变;They are making some alterations to the house.他们对这栋房子在做一些改动。

Why does she want to marry him? She must have taken leave of her senses.她怎么会想要嫁给他呢?她准时脑子有毛病;If she threatens to leave, it should bring him to his senses.假如她威胁着要走,说不定他会清醒过来;
talk some sense into sb:开导某人别干傻事;
Try and talk some sense into her before she makes the wrong decision.要设法开导她,免得她作出错误的决定。

I offered to walk her home.我主动提出送她回家;The kids offered to do the dishes.孩子们主动提出洗盘子。
on offer(n):提供的;可买到;短期内打折销售
The following is a list of course currently on offer.以下是目前所开设的课程清单;Italian wines are on (special) offer this week.意大利葡萄酒本周特价销售。

He always walked her home.他经常护送她回家;They walk their dogs every day.他们每天都要遛狗。

语法点:1.表示对过去事情的肯定推测must have done sth,译成‘一定做过某事’。
She must have altered my senses.她一定是迷惑了我的判断力;It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.昨晚肯定下雨了,因为地面是湿的。
2.表示本来应该做的事情,实际却没做should have done sth:本应该做某事
I should've played it cool.我本应该冷静对待的。
否定:I shouldn't have been so harsh on Tom.我本来不应该对Tom如此严厉的。
