英文流行歌曲:乘客(王菲 V.S Sophie Zelmani)(在线收听

乘客(王菲 V.S Sophie Zelmani)

  从1995年以一曲“Always You”开始,来自瑞典这个北方国度的甜美清新邻家女孩Sophie Zelmani苏菲珊曼妮,便以其生活化、发自内心真诚的诗意词句,简单乾净透澈却能直接触摸隐藏在心灵深处纤纤情感的音乐,而征服了瑞典、欧陆乃至亚洲的广大歌迷。Sophie Zelmani的音乐之所以能像她的人一样,情感纤细、纯净亲切而动人,那是因为她的歌直接纪录了她的成长心路历程。

Artist: Sophie Zelmani
Song: Going home

not very often have we meet
but the musics being too bad
can only sense happiness
if the music is sad.

so i am going home,i must hurry home,
where your life goes one

we are too old to make a mess
dreams will keep me young
old enough to stress
only mirrors tell the time.

so i am going home,
i must hurry home,
so will my life go one.
yes i am going home,
going home alone,
and your life goes on.
