听歌学英语:如果她是天使 Tommy Shane Steiner - What If She Is An Angel(在线收听


What If She's An Angel 如果她是天使
There's a man standin' on the corner 一个男子站在街头
With a sign sayin' Will Work For Food 手中的标牌表明他已失去工作
You know the man 你认识他
You see him every morning 每天清晨都能见到他
The one you never give your money to 只是你从未给过他一分钱
You can sit there with your window rolled up 你摇上车窗 默然静坐
Wonderin' when the lights goin' to turn green 琢磨着交通灯何时会变绿
Never knowin' what a couple more bucks 却不曾考虑,那男子口袋里多添几美元
In his pocket might mean 对他来说将是多么重要
What if he's an angel sent here from Heaven 如果他是上天派下凡的天使And he's makin' certain that you're doin' your best 前来观察
To take the time to help one another 你是否会竭尽全力帮助别人
Brother, are you gonna pass that test 兄弟,你能通过这个考验吗
You can go on with your day to day 你可以一如既往打发日子
Tryin' to forget what you saw in his face 可以把他的面孔从你脑海中抹去
Knowin' deep down it could have been his savin' grace 但你深深地知道,你本来能够获得他的“恩赐”
What if he's an angel 如果他是天使
There's a man 一个男人
And there's a woman 一个女人
Livin' right above you in Apartment G 住在你的楼上
There's a lot of noise comin' from the ceiling 透过天花板,你能听到争执声此起彼伏
And it don't sound like harmony 似乎,他们关系不好
You can sit there with your TV turned up 你可以安然地坐在屋内开响电视的音量
While the words and his anger fly 任由骂声充满公寓
But come tomorrow when you see her with her shades on 可到第二天,看着她受伤的印记
Can you look her in the eye 你是否还有勇气注视她的眼睛
What if she's an angel sent here from Heaven 如果她是上天派下凡的天使
And she's makin' certain that you're doin' your best 前来观察
To take the time to help one another 你是否会竭尽全力帮助别人
Brother, are you gonna pass that test 兄弟,你能通过这个考验吗
You can go on with your day to day 你可以一如既往打发日子
Tryin' to forget what you saw in her face 可以把她的面孔从你脑海中抹去
Knowin' deep down it could have been her savin' grace 但你深深地知道,你本来能够获得她的“恩赐”
What if she's an angel 如果她是天使
A little girl on Daddy's lap 一个小女孩坐在父亲的膝上
Hidin' her disease with a baseball cap 头上的棒球帽,遮住了她的病痛You can turn the channel 你可以跳转频道
Most people do 像大部分人那样做
But what if you were sittin' in her Daddy's shoes 但你是否曾设想过 你是那个父亲会怎样?
Maybe she's an angel sent here from Heaven 可能她是上天派下凡的天使
And she's makin' certain that you're doin' your best 前来观察
To take the time to help one another 你是否会竭尽全力帮助别人
Brother, are you gonna pass that test 兄弟,你能通过这个考验吗
You can go on with your day to day 你可以一如既往打发日子
Tryin' to forget what you saw in her face 可以把她的面孔从你脑海中抹去
Knowin' deep down it could have been her savin' grace 但你深深地知道,你本来能够获得她的“恩赐”
What if she's an angel 如果她是天使

歌词:You can sit there with your window rolled up.
1. Roll up:我们注意到歌词中用到这个短语来表达摇车窗。roll 本来就是“卷,滚动”的意思,这个词在这儿自然是动词,它也可以作名词,比如说Canace老师挺喜欢的一种小吃春卷就叫做spring roll。
2. 我们说roll up表示“卷起”,那么考考大家:roll up your sleeves是什么意思呢?Sleeves是袖子的意思,想想看卷起衣袖代表什么呢?来听例句:
If you want to be successful you must roll up your sleeves.
如果你想成功,你就必须“卷起衣袖”,听到这儿您可能理解了,通常呢我们卷起衣袖就表示想要大干一场,准备去做某件事儿,相当于ready to take action, 打算有所行动了。记住这句话:
If you want to be successful you must roll up your sleeves.
歌词:Never knowin' what a couple more bucks in his pocket might mean.
1. Buck 指“雄鹿,雄兔”,而在口语中,我们经常用它来指“钱,一美元”。比如:
He owed me big bucks. 他欠我很多钱。
Big bucks 就是指a lot of money
2. Hey Jenny! You look a million bucks today!
嗨,珍妮!你今天看上去啊就像是有了百万美元似的,像个百万富翁似的。因此当我们说某人”feel/look a million bucks”是指这个人感觉精神非常好,看上去很精神。
3.Buck up在英式口语中有“加油,快点”的意思。比如说:
Buck up, or we’ll be late.
歌词:What if he's an angel sent here from Heaven, and he's makin' certain that you're doin' your best to take the time to help one another .
1. What if:如果 ... 将会怎么样。比如说一些正在暗恋中的人一直不敢告白,那么他们可能是这样想的:
What if he refuses me, I'm really afraid of being rejected.
What if he's an angel sent here from Heaven这句歌词呢就是说“如果他是上天派下凡的天使你会怎样呢?”
Make certain: 弄清楚。比如:
Have you made certain of the time of the train?
3. Do one’s best: 做到最好,尽最大的努力。
I can not promise anything, but I will do my best.
我不能承诺什么,但ii trr我将尽力而为。
4. Take the time:花时间,别着急。
He's makin' certain that you're doin' your best to take the time to help one another.
