英语单曲推荐:蜘蛛侠都无法抗拒的声音 Switchfoot - On Fire(在线收听

蜘蛛侠都无法抗拒的声音 Switchfoot - On Fire

这支来自圣地亚哥的新兴摇滚乐团,加盟SONY唱片后首支单曲「活得精彩(Meant to Live)」,因为歌词和蜘蛛人矛盾的心境吻合,幸运地被蜘蛛人选为暑假超级大片「蜘蛛人2(Spider-Man 2)」的电影主题曲。对于头一次在主流市场出击,就有如此耀眼的好成绩,「浪行者」主唱强纳生(Jonathan Foreman)难掩兴奋之情:「其实,这首歌最主要在叙述当人们在黑暗中,彷徨无助时,对于光明的渴望!就像电影里的蜘蛛人一样,虽然内心一直在黑暗中挣扎,但最后仍决定走出自己的路,面对自己光明的人生!」

Switchfoot - On Fire

Tell you where you need to go
Tell you when you need to leave
Tell you what you need to know
Tell you who you need to be

Everything inside you know
there's more than what you heard
There's so much more than empty conversation
filled with empty words
And you're on fire when He's near you
You're on fire when He speaks
You're on fire, burning at these mysteries

Give me one more time around
Give me one more chance to see
Give me everything You are
Give me one more chance to be near you

When everything inside me looks like everything I hate
You are the hope I have for change,
You are the only chance I'll take
When I'm on fire when You're near me
I'm on fire when You speak
I'm on fire burning at these mysteries

I've been standing on the edge of me
standing on the edge of me
standing on the edge of me
standing on the edge of me
standing on the edge of everything I've never been before
And I've been standing on the edge of me
standing on the edge
And I'm on fire when You're near me
I'm on fire when You speak
I'm on fire burning at these mysteries
These mysteries
These mysteries
Ah, You're the Mystery
You're the Mystery
