面试英语口语脱口而出 第8期:公司网站(在线收听

   1.What is your corporation website address?

  2.Is there a dot after "com"?
  网址的 “com" 后面有一个点吗?
  3.Is your website address "www. zhiliaa com cn"?
  贵公司的网址是www. zhilian com cn吗?
  4. I am sorry,could you repeat the website please?
  5.Could you tell me your official website address?
  6.Pardon? I can’t follow you.
  7.Do you mind telling me the website address of your corporation?
  8.I can text the address to you if you are not clear about it.
  9.Our address is "www. zhilianzhaopin. com. cn".
  我们的网址是 www. zhilianzhaopin. com. cn。
  10.They are the initials of Chinese Pinyin of “北京招聘" ,so it is www. bjzp. com. cn.
  网址就是“北京招聘"拼音的首字母,所以网址是WWW. bjzp. com. cn。
  Dialogue 1
  对话一A: What is your corporation website address?
  A: 贵公司的网站网址是什么?
  B: It is "www. bjjob. com"
  B: 网址是www.bjjob.com
  A: Is there a dot after "com"?
  A: 网址的“com"后面有一个点吗?
  B: No. I can text the address to you if you are not clear about it.
  B: 没有。如果你还不清楚的话,我可以把地址以短信的形式发给你。
  Dialogue 2
  A: Is your website address "www. zhilian. com. cn"?
  A: 贵公司的网址是"www. zhilian. com. cn"吗?
  B: Not exactly. Our address is "www. zhilian- zhaopin. com. cn".
  B: 不是,我们的网址是www. zhilian- zhaopin. com. cn
  A: I am sorry, could you repeat it please?
  A: 抱歉,您能再重复一遍吗?
  B: Of course. The website is "www. zhilian- zhaopin. com. cn.
  B: 网址就是“北京招聘”拼音的首字母,所以网址是www. zhilian- zhaopin. com. cn.