CCTV9英语新闻:顶尖艾滋病专家遇难 全球“抗艾”损失重大(在线收听

Full coverage: Malaysian Airliner Crashes in Ukraine The international AIDS conference has drawn to an close in the Australian city of Melbourne. The event was marred by tragedy following the loss of AIDS researchers and advocates on flight MH17. Delegates paid tribute to their lost colleagues.


The 2014 AIDS conference in Melbourne was missing some of the world’s top HIV-AIDS experts - killed on flight MH17.


But after a week of mourning the loss of their colleagues plus years of crucial research, global AIDS campaigner Bob Geldof ended the conference on a positive note.


"There is nothing more profane than the disease with which this conference is trying to deal with. We cannot allow indifference, incapable government to stop the final victory which is coming," Bob Geldor, AIDS campaigner said.


The United Nations estimates 35 million people were living with HIV in 2013, and that about four people are infected every minute.


Six experts, including Joep Lange - the leader in Aids research - had been trying to reverse that trend and find a cure.


Sadly they didn’t make it here to Melbourne to share their latest developments.


"We dedicate AIDS 2014 to them, we will remember their legacy and forever keep them in our hearts," Francoise Barre-Sinoussi, Preisndent of Int'l AIDS Society said.


"I know the path will be steep and the obstacle many but let us do this in memory of our colleagues who died en route to Melbourne and the millions who have died of AIDS and the tens of millions living with HIV," Michel Sidibe, UN AIDS Executive Director said.


The overall consensus at this conference is that a cure for AIDS is still within reach.

