新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2014/06/16(在线收听

The Beijing Hour
Evening Edition
Shane Bigham with you this Monday, June 16th 2014.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the programme this evening...
The Chinese premier is hoping to witness the signing of billions of dollars worth of business deals on his current state visit to the UK.
Kiev and Moscow have failed to reach an agreement to solve their ongoing dispute over natural gas payments.
and Israeli troops have arrested dozens more Palestinians as the search continues for some kidnapped teenagers.
In business, the Chinese government is confident it can achieve its target for economic growth this year.
In sports, the NBA crowns its new champions.
In entertainment, the 17th Shanghai Film Festival opens.
Beijing will have thundershowers tonight with a low of 21 degrees Celsius. also thundershowers tomorrow with a high of 28 degrees. 
Meanwhile Shanghai will be cloudy tonight, with a low of 22, cloudy tomorrow, with a high of 32.
Chongqing will have moderate rain, 23 degrees the low, light rain tomorrow with a high of 26.
Elsewhere in the world, staying in Asia
Islamabad, sunny with a high of 42.
Kabul, sunny, 32.
Over in Australia
Sydney, sunny, high of 18.
Canberra, sunny, 15.
Brisbane, sunny, 23.
And finally, Perth will have rain with a high of 17.
Top News
Chinese Ambassador to Britain Brief Media on Highlights of Premier Li Keqiang's UK Visit
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has embarked on an official visit to the United Kingdom, with 10s of billions of dollars worth of business deals expected to be signed.
CRI's London Correspondent Duan Xuelian has more.
Liu Xiaoming, China's Ambassador to Britain, says talks connected to economic cooperation will be heavy on the Premier's UK agenda.
"Over forty agreements between governments and businesses covering a wide variety of sectors including energy, investment, cultural and educational cooperation will be signed, the total value of which reach a record setting of 30 billion US dollars or even more."
Li Keqiang is also due to meet with Prime Minister David Cameron in London.
He's also been granted an audience with Queen Elizabeth II.
The Premier is also scheduled to take part in a round table discussion about global financial cooperation with business representatives from the two countries.
He is also due to deliver a speech to an audience of around 300 members of the UK's top think tanks.
London's potential as a European hub for renminbi offshore business is one of the main issues being discussed by both sides.
Ambassador Liu Xiaoming notes London isn't the only European city pursuing this title.
"I think there are good potentials and opportunities for London to be one of the centers. There are many countries and regions competing for doing RMB trading. London is well positioned in terms of RMB trading outside of China, I regard Hong Kong as part of China. Singapore is a very strong competitor, Frankfurt as well and Paris has also joined this game. "
Liu Xiaoming also notes the Chinese Premier's visit is coinciding with the China-UK strategic partnership entering into its second decade.
"This coming visit by Premier Li Keqiang is expected to make strong case for deepening China UK relations and cooperation. It will lay a more solid foundation of trust for the second decade of China-UK comprehensive strategic partnership, map out new way for our cooperation with a new vigor, new highlights and new dimensions."
A symposium about free trade zones is also due to be held during Premier Li Keqiang's visit.
For CRI, I'm Duan Xuelian, reporting from London.
Prospects of the cultural and education ties between China and the UK
For more on the cultural and educational ties between China and the UK, CRI's Zheng Chenguang spoke earlier with Carma Elliot, Director of British Council here in China.

BACK ANCHOR: That is Carma Elliot, Director of British Council here in China, speaking with CRI's Zheng Chenguang.
Chinese Learning in UK
Britain is planning to train more than 1,200 Chinese teachers by 2020 as Chinese learning in the country has become increasingly popular in recent years.
CRI's Chi Huiguang has the story.
In a speech at the University of London's Institute of Education, or IOE, Elizabeth Truss, UK Education Minister described Chinese as "the language of the future."
"One of the things we're very passionate about as a government is Mandarin and increasing the number of students learning Chinese, doubling that number by 2020."
However, the British government's plans to offer Chinese classes in schools have stalled already because of a lack of teachers. Data from the British Council shows that only 38 percent of private schools and 11 percent of public schools offer Chinese courses. Each year, just 30 new teachers receive certificates in Chinese teaching and less than one percent of the UK population can speak Chinese fluently.
"Today we were talking about the proposed increase in teachers, the fact that there's going to be a permanent home for the Confucius Institute in London, which is going to be one of the main teaching centers outside China. I think that's a huge opportunity for England, because what we want is many more of our students to be able to speak Mandarin conversationally."
The education minister also announced plans to expand the IOE Confucius Institute for Schools to make it a national center for Chinese language teaching and cross-cultural exchanges between China and the UK.
Chris Husbands, Director of Institute of Education (IOE) of the University of London, said:
"What we have done with our partners in China is to focus on different strands of activity. We have looked at faculty exchange. So we have academics from this university and from Chinese universities swapping between China and England. We have worked on joint research projects; we have worked on student exchange. We think the most important thing that we can do is to build collaboration around research and development so we can understand the intellectual questions that universities in China and Britain are interested in and work together on answering them."
According to a survey by the Confederation of British Industry, Chinese came second only to French in the list of languages that UK employers find most desirable in potential employees.
BACK ANCHOR: CRI's Chi Huiguang reporting.
Shiite volunteers join fight against ISIL
Thousands of Shiite volunteers across southern Iraq have joined the nation's security forces to battle the Sunni militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL.
The move comes after members of Iraq's military continue to desert their posts days after the al-Qaida-linked militants overran the country's second largest city of Mosul.
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki urges the volunteers to fight the ISIL.
"We have retaken the initiative and here we are advancing to defeat them, with you and with your brothers in the armed forces and with all those who stood by the will of the Iraqi people. We started to march toward them. There will be no place for them to hide. Our slogan and your slogan should be they have no place to hide."
Militants from the ISIL have captured large swaths of territory north of Baghdad in recent days.
The group has vowed to march on Baghdad.
Meanwhile, the militants posted a number of photos online, showing fighters massacring Iraqi soldiers.
It is reported that Iraqi chief military spokesman has confirmed the photos' authenticity and that about 170 soldiers have been shot to death.
The U.S. is reportedly considering direct talks with Iran on the security situation in Iraq.
Tens of thousands of Iraqis have already fled from their homes fearing the escalation of violence.
Iraqi conflicts
For more on the situation in Iraq, we earlier spoke with Hua Liming, former Chinese ambassador to Iran and now a researcher at the China Institute of International Studies.

Back Anchor:
That was Hua Liming, former Chinese ambassador to Iran.
Ukraine and Russia failed to reach deal over a gas dispute
Ukraine says Russia has cut off all gas supplies to Kiev.
This comes after the two sides failed to reach a deal on Sunday in the ongoing dispute over natural gas supply and pricing.
But the European Union energy chief, Guenther Oettinger, who also took part in the talks, says he still holds hope for future talks.
"I will check in next days what is the best next step and how and when we should come together again, and I think with some more flexibility, with some readiness to be flexible, we should come and we could come to solution."
The month-long dispute has been focusing on how much Ukraine should pay for past natural gas deliveries and the price of possible future supplies.
And a possible cut of supply has been suggested by analysts if still no compromise can be reached.
The dispute is part of wider tensions after Russia annexed Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula in March.
40 more Palestinians arrested by the Israeli Army in searching for missing teenagers
Another 40 Palestinians have been arrested by the Israeli army in the West Bank, including many Hamas leaders and activists.
This comes after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused the Islamic militant group of kidnapping three teenagers last week.
He blamed the agreement reached between Fatah and Hamas, which led to more terrorist activities and more danger for the Israeli people.
"I believe that the dangers of that pact should now be abundantly clear to all. We have seen since the signing of that pact an increase in terrorist activity emanating from the West Bank."
Three yeshiva students, two 16-year olds and a 19-year old from a religious high school in the West Bank were snatched Thursday night while returning to their homes for the weekend.
The Israeli airforce has since been launching strikes on Hamas locations.
Earlier on Sunday, some 80 Palestinians were arrested by the Israeli Army during the search for the missing teenagers.
Palestinian officials are condemning the crackdown and rejecting the Israeli contention that Palestinian groups are responsible for the kidnapping.
Ehab Bseiso is a spokesperson for the Palestinian unity government.
"The disappearance of the three settlers is not a result of the new formed government, in reality we condemn all the escalation that has been taken by the Israeli government and by the Israeli army for the last two days as a collective punishment against our people, besieging the province of Hebron."
Despite the exchange of accusations, security officials on both the Israeli and Palestinian sides have been cooperating in the West Bank to find the abducted teens.
Biz Reports
First off, a check on the closing numbers across Asia.
Joining me on the desk, CRI's Ding Lulu.
Asian stock markets moved sideways on Monday as the turmoil in Iraq dampened sentiment and investors held their fire ahead of the Federal Reserve's monthly policy meeting later in the week.
The Shanghai Composite Index closed up 0.7 percent, with energy shares leading the gain after China called for efforts to revolutionize energy production and consumption habits.
The Shenzhen Component Index gained 0.2 percent.
Hong Kong's Hang Seng on the other hand closed slightly lower.
Japan's Nikkei stock average dipped 1.1 percent, weighed down by fears of higher materials costs, and off last week's three-month highs.
South Korea's KOSPI gained 0.1 percent.
Singapore's Straits Times Index trimmed 0.1 percent.
Australia's ASX added 0.1 percent.
Premier Li says China able to grow 7.5 pct this year
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang says that China is confident it will hit its growth target of 7.5 percent this year, adding the government was ready to adjust policy to make sure it does.
Writing in Britain's The Times newspaper, the Chinese Premier says slowing growth in the world's second-largest economy was normal and not a problem.
He wrote that (quote) "we will continue to make anticipatory and moderate adjustments when necessary. We are well prepared to defuse various risks. We are confident that this year's growth target will be met."
Analysts say the government wants to prevent growth sinking to 7 percent, as that could fuel job losses and threaten social stability.
China stock markets start second round of IPO
Seven new Chinese stocks are now available, following the approval of 10 initial public offering applications by Chinese stock regulators earlier this month.
This marks the official restart of Chinese IPOs after new listings were suspended in mid-February.
Five of the new stocks will be listed on the Shanghai exchange while the other two will be on the Shenzhen exchange.
Only investors holding shares with at least a market value of 10,000 yuan are allowed to subscribe for the new shares in the new round of offering.
The CSRC plans to approve some 100 IPO applicants from June to the year end. About 600 companies are now awaiting listing on China's two stock exchanges.
China, Central Asian countries open 3rd gas line
The China National Petroleum Corporation has announced a third natural gas line running from Central Asia into China is now operational.
The over 18-hundred kilometer line runs from the Turkmen-Uzbek border, and crosses through central Uzbekistan and southern Kazakhstan before going into Xinjiang.
Ding Jianlin is an senior official with CNPC.
"The natural gas transported via Line C of the Central Asia-China gas pipelines will enter the West-to-East gas pipeline networks and will then be sent to destinations as the delta areas of the Yangtze River and Pearl River."
The capacity of the new line currently stands at 7 billion cubic meters per year.
It is expected to hit 25 billion cubic meters by the end of next year.
Zhang Peng is the manager of the Trans-Asia Gas Pipeline Company, a subsidiary of CNPC.
"When operation began on the four compressor stations in October, Line C's gas carrying capability of the Central Asia-China gas pipelines will reach 14 billion cubic meters a year. Along with Line A and Line B, it will contribute to ensure the gas supply in the winter heating season."
The three lines, built by CNPC and its central Asian partners, are expected to have a combined capacity of 55 billion cubic meters per year.
The first two lines were launched in late 2009 and 2010 respectively.
A 4th pipeline is also in the works, and is expected to be operational by the end of this year.
Other markets drop while Brazil's stock market soaring
With the World Cup underway, the world's attention is on Brazil.
And this attention also includes investors.
Ahead of the opening of the tournament, the main Brazilian stock exchange, the Bovespa, had been soaring, with stocks averaging a rise of around 6-percent this past week.
Since March, the Bovespa has increased in value by some 23-percent.
At the same time, the major markets in the US and Europe have seen a slowdown.
For more on this, CRI's Paul James earlier spoke with Mike Bastin, Visiting Professor of China's University of Economics and Business.

Back Anchor:
Mike Bastin, Visiting Professor of China's University of Economics and Business.
Mitsubishi eyes 'various possibilities' on Alstom
Japan's Mitsubishi says it is studying "various possibilities" for a joint deal with Siemens to buy pieces of French power-generation giant Alstom, with an offer deadline set to expire later in the day.
The Japanese firm and its German partner earlier said they would decide whether to make a formal proposal by today.
Their move could scupper General Electric's 17 billion dollar bid for Alstom's energy business, which has run into political opposition in France.
France is worried that Alstom's business base may weaken should its energy assets be bought by foreign firms.
Airbus, Safran team up for joint venture in space launchers
Airbus and Safran have agreed to create a 50-50 joint venture in space launchers, combining Airbus's launch systems with Safran's propulsion systems.
The move is designed to protect Europe's commercial access to space in the face of competition from U.S.-based competitor SpaceX.
It can launch satellites into space at half the cost of Ariane rockets.
Airbus and Safran shares were both up around 0.4 percent.
Starbucks to pay college fees for US staff
US coffee chain Starbucks is to pay college fees for US workers to complete a bachelor's degree online in a tie-up with Arizona State University.
US employees of the firm who work at least 20 hours a week are eligible for the Starbucks College Achievement Plan.
Starbucks staff who are successfully enrolled will receive partial tuition for the first two years, and full tuition for their final two years.
The annual fee for online courses at the university can exceed 10,000 US dollars.
Headline News
Chinese premier leaves for Europe visit
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has left Beijing for an official visit to the UK and Greece.
Accompanied by his wife Cheng Hong, the premier will attend the annual meeting of Chinese premier and British prime minister during his stay in London.
During the visit, China and the UK are expected to sign more than 40 cooperation deals, reportedly worth more than 30 billion US dollars.
Infrastructure, high-speed rail, nuclear and finance deals, as well as London's role as an offshore yuan trading hub, will be key topics during the visit.
Three in Tian'anmen terror attack sentenced to death
Three people have been sentenced to death for a terror attack near Beijing's Tian'anmen Square last October.
A court in the northwest region of Xinjiang also jailed five others over the attack, ranging from five years to life.
The eight criminals were indicted last month on charges of organizing, leading and participating a terrorist group and endangering public security.
In the attack, Usmen Hasan, his mother and his wife drove an SUV to crash into a crowd of people near the Tian'anmen Square, leaving two dead and 40 injured.
All three of them died after they set gasoline in the vehicle on fire.
A total of eight suspects were captured in connection with the terrorist attack.
Thai military junta denies crackdown on foreign workers
The military junta running Thailand has denied reports it has a policy to crack down on foreign migrant workers.
The clarification comes in the wake of recent media reports that more than 130-thousand Cambodian workers have fled for home following rumours the junta has been targeting undocumented labourers.
A government spokesman denies a crackdown is underway, but says it is necessary for officials to inspect all areas where there are foreign workers in order to properly deal with a "long-term issue."
Official figures have shown that Thailand now accommodates around 440,000 registered Cambodian workers.
The exact number of unregistered ones remains unknown.
Iranian negotiators head to Vienna for crucial nuclear talks
Members of Iran's nuclear negotiation team are on their way to Vienna for the latest round of talks with the P5 + 1 nations.
The lead spokesman for the Iranian side says his team will do its best to draft a comprehensive nuclear accord in the meetings with the member-nations of the UN Security Council and Germany.
Iran's president has stated that a deal is possible before July 20th, despite the differences at the bargaining table that still exist.
World powers are asking Iran to stop nuclear activities that could lead to the development of nuclear weapons.
The Iranian government has stated that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only.
An agreement between the parties will see western sanctions against Iran lifted.
Newspaper Picks
Shanghai Daily
"Smart solution to streamlining medical care in Shanghai"
Shanghai public hospitals, beset by long queues, overloaded doctors and cumbersome registration and payment procedures, are turning to modern technology to streamline medical care.
All a patient needs is a smartphone.
Through apps and the WeChat platform, patients can now make appointments to see a doctor, register online and keep tabs on wait times.
After an outpatient visit, they can also pay their bills and even check on their test results by phone.
China Daily
"Sudden death linked to watching World Cup overnight"
An overnight session watching the FIFA World Cup may have caused the death of a 25-year-old man in the eastern Chinese city of Suzhou.
The man was found dead in his room early on Saturday morning with his TV set still airing football.
Doctors said they suspect his death was linked to staying up late watching the games, which are taking place in the middle of the night in China due to the time difference with tournament host country Brazil.
Although the doctors did not specify what exactly may have caused this fatality, exhaustion or a heart attack are possible factors. They warned football fans to be cautious about their health.
Sky News Australia
"Construction sites top mental health study"
Construction sites are among Australia's most caring places to work.
That's according to a major national survey conducted by the mental health charity beyondblue.
It found construction workers are the most likely to say they work in a mentally healthy environment.
The least likely are agriculture and public administration workers.
Geographically, workplaces in Western Australia are the most mentally healthy and those in Queensland the least.
It also found that around 50 per cent of employees do not believe they work in a mentally healthy environment and one in five had taken time off work in the past 12 months because they felt mentally unwell.
Supportive and caring managers and flexible working hours are important attributes of a mentally healthy workplace.
These organisations also encourage workers to take lunch breaks, prevent discrimination and have support programs.
The Independent
"Children as young as five to be taught entrepreneurial skills - and how to make a profit"
Primary school children as young as five will be taught how to be entrepreneurial, under radical new government plans being unveiled this week.
The sweeping reforms mean primary and secondary schools across the country will be required to teach young children about the benefits of business and how to make profits.
David Cameron has backed the reforms being drawn up by former cabinet minister Lord Young of Graffham who advises the prime minister on competitiveness in Britain.
The moves are aimed at promoting self-employment and encouraging more people to set up their own company.
Lord Young's Enterprise for All report will stress the importance of educating young children about entrepreneurism.
Special Reports
The University of the Future
ANCHOR: A new global survey is trying to provide insight into how students feel their university will and should look in 15 years.
From Washington, CRI's He Fei.
The new survey has concluded that in 15 years, college as we know it won't disappear, but it will be profoundly different, with more on-demand classes, free online materials and significantly more employer input on what is actually taught in schools.
The conclusion comes in a new report from pollster Zogby Analyitics, which surveyed more than 20,000 undergraduates in 21 different countries.
The analysis suggests most young respondents believe the "university of the future" will be accessible, flexible, innovative and job-focused.
John Zogby is the founder of "Zogby Analytics".
"They expect that a majority of the courses in the university of the future will not have set schedules, will not be set at certain times, and either the student must adjust to those times or not have the opportunity to take courses. In addition to that, they expect a majority of materials that will be used will be free. "
Zogby's analysis also shows that two-thirds of Chinese respondents believe students will begin using social media platforms to learn.
He also says the survey shows 70-percent of those asked believe universities in the future are going to be more focused on practical education, and less on broad-based theories.
"They think that the universities will supply internships – that is the thing that is most valuable to them – and that they think that the world of business is looking from them more than their scores on tests or their grades.They expect that more of their courses will be developed and actually taught by industry experts and less so, as far as business and engineering and so on, much more so than by professional academics.They also expect entrepreneurs will be engaged in teaching and developing courses as well."
To that end, Zogby says university students in China have a luxury other students around the world don't.
"You've got a very robust and growing economy and a burgeoning group of Millennials filled with hope – the turtles in China; they've come out of their shell into a wondrous and growing economy. China placing a greater emphasis – the Chinese students, I should say – on the role of entrepreneurs because they have – they are emerging in a world of entrepreneurs and of excitement."
The survey itself was sent in April and May to students in 21 countries worldwide.
For CRI, I'm He Fei in Washington.
Spurs beat Heat 104-87 in Game 5 to win NBA title
The San Antonio Spurs have claimed their fifth NBA championship, ending the Miami Heat's two-year title reign with a 104-87 victory that has wrapped up the NBA Finals in five games.
Kawhi Leonard had 22 points and 10 rebounds for the Spurs, and he's also been named the Most Valuable Player in the NBA Finals.
Last year, San Antonio lost to the Heat in the finals.
Point guard Tony Parker
"That's why I say it's the sweetest one, cause it's just unbelievable to win seven years ago and to be so close last year, it was very cruel but that's the beauty of sport, sometimes it's tough and sometimes it can be beautiful like today."
LeBron James has 31 points and 10 rebounds for the Heat.
"I mean mixed emotions, started off very well as a team, you know we had a great first quarter but from that point on you know they were the better team and that's why they're the champions in 2014."
James played well overall in the finals but Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh were unable to score consistently and the point guards Mario Chalmers and Norris Cole underperformed.
Miami is the first team to play in four straight finals since the Boston Celtics in 1984-87.
The Heat's Big Three - James, Wade and Bosh - are all eligible to become free agents in the offseason.
Despite winning the Eastern Conference in each of their four seasons together, it is uncertain if they will return to Miami.
Argentina 2-1 lead over Bosnia & Herzegovina
To the World Cup in Brazil,
Argentina's Lionel Messi scored the winning goal for Argentina, securing a 2-1 victory in their first 2014 World Cup match against Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Though happy to get 3 points to start the tournament, Argentina supporters are not thrilled with their team's performance, saying they will have to do better against tougher teams if Lionel Messi and crew expect to advance.
Meanwhile, most fans of Bosnian and Herzegovina say they are proud of their country for putting up a fight against the South American powerhouse and to take part in their country's first ever World Cup.
Yuri, a Bosnia and Herzegovina fan  
"They're one of the biggest teams in the world. So, it was a good experience, but you always hope for a good result even though they were the favorites".  
In other action,
France out-classed Honduras with a 3-0 win in Group E of the World Cup.
Benzema's second goal was confirmed by goal-line technology, which has been introduced following some disastrous errors in previous tournaments.
Switzerland edged Ecuador 2-1, extending a run of come-from-behind wins that are becoming a theme of the tournament.
It is the fifth time in the first nine matches in Brazil that a team has come from a goal down to win.
Cristiano Ronald fits enough to face Germany
Still in the World Cup,
Portugal will get their World Cup campaign underway with a game against Germany. That match starts at midnight Beijing Time.
Cristiano Ronaldo removed any doubts about whether he will play in Portugal's World Cup opener though he has admitted he can still feel some pain.
Ronaldo has insisted he is ready for a great World Cup and both he and his team are highly motivated.
In the meantime, Germany coach Joachim Loew says his team is 100 percent fit ahead of their first match of the World Cup against Portugal.
"I think that we are well prepared to start in this tournament. During preparations we had several injuries among the players but I think that these problems are behind us now. The players, Manuel Neuer, Philipp Lahm, Bastian Schweinsteiger, Sami Khedira, were fully involved in the training and therefore, as far as tomorrow is concerned, we can expect that all players will be 100 percent fit."
The teams' last meeting came in the group stage of the 2012 European Championship. Germany won the match 1-0.
In other action,
Nigeria will face Iran and the United Stated will take on Ghana.
Martin Kaymer wins the US Open
Germany's Martin Kaymer has coasted to his second Major PGA victory, winning the US Open by eight shots, including a commanding performance in the final round on Sunday.
"I'm very, very satisfied, especially with all of the expectations starting from the first day shooting 5-under par and then shooting another five under par which is very rare at the U.S. Open. A lot of people expect you to win. Sub-consciously, you should win yourself, is what you will think. Especially today was very tough to play."
The former world number one has become the first German to win the U.S. Open, and the seventh player to complete a wire-to-wire victory at the year's second major.
American Rickie Fowler, who played with Kaymer in the final pairing, carded a 72 to finish tied for second at one under, level with compatriot Erik Compton.
Compton also signed off with a 72 in only his second major appearance.
England's Justin Rose, who won last year's U.S. Open at Merion, has finished in a tie for 12th at three over after shooting a 72, one stroke behind Australian world number one Adam Scott (69).
Michael Schumacher 'out of coma'
It is being reported that F1 champion Michael Schumacher is out of his coma and has even been discharged from hospital.
The 45-year-old German's family says Schumacher will continue his rehabilitation.
The retired F1 driver suffered a severe head injury in a skiing accident in the French Alps in December.
17th Shanghai Film Festival opens, honours Nicole Kidman and Jiang Wen
The 17th Shanghai Film Festival, or SIFF, has opend, with Jackie Chan, Nicole Kidman, and Hugh Grant among the celebrities gracing the opening ceremony.
Academy award-winner Kidman received an award for her outstanding contribution to the film industry.
In her acceptance speech, Kidman says she likes to be a little adventurous when it comes to choosing her roles.
The Australian actress is also on a tour promoting her latest film, "Grace of Monaco".
The film follows the true story of the Hollywood actress Grace Kelly who gave up her film career in pursuit of love when she married the Prince of Monaco.
Kidman, who plays Grace Kelly in the film, says she can understand why Kelly made that choice.
"When I won the Academy Award, I was at the loneliest time of my life. And that's when it really hit me that I had to go and get a life because I gave so much to my creative life. I was so poor in terms of my family life. And that's when I said in my head. I really believe in setting the vision and saying ok. I remember I saying now I want to find my soul mate because I got this and this. The Academy Award is not enough."
The film opened this year's Cannes Film Festival to very mixed reviews.
It will hit Chinese cinemas this Friday.
Chinese actor/director Jiang Wen was awarded in the opening ceremony for his contribution to the local cinema.
For the first time in the SIFF history, the jury will be headed by a woman, Chinese actress Gong Li.
The jury also includes Korean director Im Sang-soo, British director Sally Potter, Danish director Lone Scherfig, Chinese director Liu Jie, Iranian actor Peyman Moaadi and Japanese director Shunji Iwai.
Fifteen movies have been selected from over 1,000 submissions for the final 8 Golden Goblet Awards, including Best Feature Film, Best Director, Best Actor and Actress.
Gong Li reveals that apart from artistic features, market potential is another important aspect of consideration when deciding the nominations.
"The 15 nominations do have their own commercial values. They are not just selected based on their artistic achievement. It's a combination of both sides. I feel this will be a trend for film festivals in the coming years."
The awards will be given out at the closing ceremony on Sunday.
Set up in 1993, SIFF is the most influential movie event in Asia.
'Dragon Nest' to play around the world
Staying with the film festival.
Film producer Bill Borden says that the Chinese animation film "Dragon Nest: Warriors' Dawn" (Long Zhi Gu: Po Xiao Qi Bing) will open in theatres around the world.
Borden is known for "Mission: Impossible 3" and "Kungfu" which starred Stephen Chow.
"When I look at the dragon, I thought it would be a great property, a truly international property. It will go around the world. Chinese film has a hard time playing outside of China but this one will. It will play all around the world."
The film, directed by Song Yuefeng, is adapted from a popular Chinese online game of the same name.
Chinese actresses Xia Zitong, Xu Jiao and actor Hu Ge have dubbed voices for the film.
Pop song singer Zhang Liangying will perform the theme song.
The film will hit Chinese cinemas at the end of next month.
Radio legend Casey Kasem dead at 82
U.S. radio legend Casey Kasem has died at the age of 82.
Kasem's daughter confirmed the loss via a statement posted online.
He had suffered from dementia, and had recently been involved in a bitter family court battle over his care.
Just days ago, a judge allowed the star's daughter to withhold food, liquid and medication from her father, a move opposed by Kasem's wife Jean.
Kasem came to fame in the 1970s.
He was best known as the host of "American Top 40".
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour - a quick recap of headlines before we go:
The Chinese premier is hoping to witness the signing of billions of dollars worth of business deals on his current state visit to the UK.
Kiev and Moscow have failed to reach an agreement to solve their ongoing dispute over natural gas payments.
and Israeli troops have arrested dozens more Palestinians as the search continues for some kidnapped teenagers.
In business, the Chinese government is confident it can achieve its target for economic growth this year.
