
秘诀76 规则动词过去时读音技巧


kissed[kIst] 吻
She kissed her son on the forehead. 她吻了儿子的额头。

Impressed[Im5prZst] 留下印象;打动
I was deeply impressed by Li Yang’s speech. 李阳老师的演讲使我深受感动。

laughed[lAft] 笑,笑声
The children lauthed their mother into a better humor. 孩子们笑得使妈妈的心情好起来了。

watched[wBtFt] 注视
She watched for her moment to cross the road. 她看准时机横穿马路。

encouraged[In5kQrIdVd] 被鼓励的
I encouraged him to study harder. 我鼓励他更加努力读书。

moved[muvd] 移动
The government’s opinions on this matter haven’t moved. 政府对这件事的看法没有改变。
